
     The programmes Sun Xiaomei hosts (主持) might be among the shortest (1)o              CCTV. "ON
screen Next Week" is on once a week for 15 minutes, and "TV you, He and I" comes on for five minutes
each (2)t             , once a week too.
     "(3)T              these programmes are short, I (4)h              many ideas to make them (5)l              for
the audience (观众)," she said.
      Sun was (6)i              in music in her childhood. She played the violin (7)s              the age of five
(8)u              she finished middle school.
      Her father wanted her to (9)e              a music school at first, but 16-year-old Sun Xiaomei (10)b              a
student in Beijing Broadcasting (广播) College.
1. on    2. time    3. Though     4. have    5.lively  
6. interested     7. since    8.until     9. enter   10. became
Dear Tom, 
      Are you surprised to hear from me? I have not heard from you s   1     the beginning of the summer h   2   .
How are you getting on with your s    3    ? How are your parents? Is your brother Bill b   4    f    5     Canada
      My stamp collection (集邮) is g   6     bigger and bigger. I have collected stamps of more than forty d   7    
countries. In my stamp books, I usually put the stamps from each country together. I have got a pen-friend
from Britain. She gave me some B   8    stamps. My American teacher has given me some beautiful American
and Canadian stamps. I'm glad to know you are going to give me some foreign stamps, but I still have not r   9   
the stamps of Nepal which you said to p   10    me. Have you sent them off yet?
      Please write to me soon. 
                                                                                                                                            Zhou Wen
1.                2.                 3.                 4.                  5.                
6.                7.                 8.                 9.                  10.             

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