Do you remember where you were when you heard the news about the traffic accident of a close friend? The answer is probably yes. Do you remember what you were doing on your birthday that year? You may have to think a little harder.

People remember bad memories more easily and in greater detail(细节) than good ones. Why is that? A new study finds that people do this because of evolutionary(进化的) reasons.

Elizabeth Kensinger and his partners in Boston College, US, did a study looking at this. They found negative feelings like fear and sadness caused(导致) an increase(增长) in brain(大脑) activity. This activity happens in the part of the brain that controls(控制) memories, So memories caused by negative feelings are kept in greater detail than happy or other kinds of memories.

For example, after seeing a man on a street holding a knife, people remember the knife clearly, but they forget the details of the street.

According to Kensinger, it is easy to understand this in an evolutionary(进化论的) point of view. He said that people paid attention(注意) to dangerous information so they could use that information to guide their actions and save their lives. They could also use it to plan for similar events in the future.

The scientists say more studies are needed on how we remember bad memories. This line of research will help solve the problem of stress(压力) disorder(失调).

1.According to the passage, good memories are remembered ________ than bad ones.

A.more in detail B.less often C.longer D.more easily

2.The underlined word " negative" in the third paragraph means "________" in Chinese.

A.简单的 B.负面的 C.难忘的 D.相似的

3.When a girl breaks into tears, ________________.

A.she will have the problem of stress disorder B.she can control her memories well

C.She will have a happy memory. D.her brain activity will increase

4.What does the writer want to tell us by using the example of a man holding a knife?

A.People pay more attention to dangerous information.

B.People could learn from the man.

C.People could plan for danger in the future.

D.People have the ability to save themselves from danger.

5.What's the best title of the passage?

A.Brain Activities Control Memories B.How We Remember Bad Memories

C.Bad Memories Are Easier to Remember D.Bad Memories Can Cause Stress Disorder

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