
  We each have a memory (记忆力). That's why we can still remember things after a long time. Some people have very good memories and they can easily learn many things by heart, but some people can only remember things when they say or do them again and again. Many of the great men of the world have got surprising memories.

  A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his mother language when he is a small child. He hears the sounds, remembers them and then he learns to speak. Some children are living with their parents in foreign countries. They can learn two languages as easily as one because they hear, remember and speak two languages every day. In school it is not so easy to learn a foreign language because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects too.

  But your memory will become better and better when you do more and more exercises.

1.Some people can easily learn many things by heart because ________ .

[  ]

A.they always sleep very well
B.they often eat good food
C.they read a lot of books
D.they have very good memories

2.Everybody learns his mother language ________ .

[  ]

A.at the age of six
B.when he is a small child
C.after he goes to school
D.when he can read and write

3.Before a child can speak, he must ________ .

[  ]

A.read and write
B.make sentences
C.hear and remember the sounds
D.think hard

4.In school the pupils can't learn a foreign language well because ________ .

[  ]

A.they have no good memories

B.they have no recorders

C.they have too much time for it

D.they are busy with other subjects

5.Your memory will become better and better ________ .

[  ]

A.if you have plenty of good food

B.if you do more and more exercises

C.if you do morning exercises every day

D.if you get up early



   Can you imagine(想象)what life would be  1  if there were no telephone? You could not call  2    your friends on the phone and talk to them, If fire  3  out in your house, you could not call the fire department(救火队). If somebody were  4    , you couldn't call a doctor.

   In our daily(日常)life we need to talk with each other. We do this  5    by speaking to others and listening to  6  they have to say to us, and when we are  7    to them we can do this very  8    . But, our  9    will not travel very far even when we  10    , and it is thanks to the  11    of the telephone that we  12    able to talk with one another  13    ask some-thing when we are in different places. We can  14    each other as clearly  15    we were in the same room.

 Alexander Graham Bell  16  this possible. He  17    all his spare time experimenting(实验). He worked  18    hard in his  19    that he had  20    time to make money(挣钱)and was very poor at one time.






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Dare going to

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Clook at


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Clooking for

Dfinding for

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Everyone needs friends. We all like to   1   close(亲近的)to someone.   2   is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh, and do things with.   3   ,sometimes we need to be alone. We don’t always want people   4   .But we would feel lonely if we   5   had a friend.

No two people are   6   .Friends   7   don’t get on well. That doesn’t mean   8 

they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will make up(言归于好)and become   9  


Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very   10   .We miss them very much, but we can   11   them and write to them. It could be that we would even not see them again. And we can   12   new friends. It is surprising to find out   13   we like new people when we get to know them.

There’s more good news for people who have friends. They live longer than people who don’t. Why? It could be that they are   14   .Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could be just knowing that someone cares about you. If someone cares about you, you take   15   care of yourself.

1.A.look             B.watch             C.feel               D.see

2.A.It               B.He                C.There              D.Someone

3.A.Hardly            B.Nearly             C.Suddenly           D.Certainly

4.A.alone            B.away             C.all over            D.around

5.A.ever             B.never              C.just               D.really

6.A.friendly          B.kind              C.just the same       D.quite different

7.A.always           B.sometimes         C.often             D.usually

8.A.that              B.whether           C.how              D.why

9.A.friendly          B.good             C.pleased            D.friends

10.A.angry           B.sad               C.happy             D.alone

11.A.call             B.ask               C.tell                D.talk with

12.A.look for          B.find               C.make              D.know

13.A.how often       B.how long           C.how many         D.how much

14.A.happier         B.stronger            C.kinder             D.richer

15.A.less             B.better             C.little               D.no



One afternoon, my son Adam asked me, “Are all people the same even if they are different in color?”    I thought for a while, and then I said, “I’ll explain,  31 you can just wait until we make a quick stop at the grocery store. I have something interesting to show you.”

   At the grocery store, we 32 some apples—red, green and yellow ones. Back home, I told Adam, “It’s time to  33 your question.” I put one apple of each type on the table. Then I looked at Adam, who had a  34 look on his face.

“People are like apples. They come in all  35 colors, shapes and sizes. On the  36 , some of the apples may not  37 look as delicious as the others.” As I was talking, Adam was  38 each one carefully.   Then, I took each of the apples and peeled them,  39 them back on the table, but  40 a different place.

  “Okay, Adam, tell me which is which.”

  He said, “I  41 tell. They all look the same now.” “Take a bite of  42 . See if that helps you decide which one is which.”

  He took big bites, and then a huge smile came across his face. “People are  43  like apples! They are all different, but once you  44 the outside, they’re pretty much the same on the inside.”

   He totally  45 it. I didn’t need to say or do anything else.

31. A. although      B. so             C. because       D. if

32. A. bought       B. ate            C. saw       D. found

33. A. check           B. tell                C. answer        D. improve

34. A. worried      B. satisfied         C. proud         D. curious

35. A. usual         B. normal         C. different       D. same

36. A. outside          B. whole          C. table          D. inside

37. A. still          B. even           C. only          D. ever

38. A. examining     B. listening        C. drawing       D. picking

39. A. keeping      B. placing         C. pulling         D. giving

40. A. on          B. towards            C. for         D. in

41. A. mustn’t      B. can’t           C. shouldn’t     D. needn’t

42. A. each one      B. each other       C. the other       D. one other

43. A. just          B. always             C. only          D. never

44. A. put away     B. get down       C. hand out       D. take off

45. A. made         B. took              C. got             D. did

  Each day I took the same route to work and passed by a security guard (保安). 35 greeted everyone walking by and made small talk with many of the passers-by and wishing them well. His simple “hello” made people feel  36 . His cheerful smile became a part of my day. When he was absent, many people noticed it, and I felt a little bit empty.

  The first few times, I didn’t say hello back to him when he greeted me. I was  37 in my own world. On Monday the security guard asked me:“How was your weekend?” I told him about my visit to California, to see my mother, who had colon cancer. I  38 how I visited her each month. “The time with my mother is so precious(珍贵的),  39 I know that each time may be the last.”

  He listened like a close friend I’d known for years. He felt my  40 and my love. He shared how he had lost his father to cancer two years before. He said, “I understand what you are going through. My father passed away while I was serving in Germany. Because of some reasons I was unable to fly back in time. I was unable to say goodbye to him. I wish I could have been with him, given him a hug, and told him I loved him. You are really lucky to have the gift of  41 .”
  As I walked away, I realized I did not even know his name. The following day, on my way to work, I said: “After we spent all that time  42 yesterday, I still don’t know your name.” He answered, “Gary.” I responded back, “I’m Deborah.”

After that, we talked and shared stories about our weekends, dreams and families.
  Later, Gary got  43 a new job and moved away. It’s been several years since I last spoke to him, yet the memory feels like yesterday. Gary reached out to me,  44 me and made my morning the best part of the day. I experienced the beauty of friendship and love.
  In the business of life, we often forget to wish a stranger hello although how easy it is, and how great and lasting a  45 it can make. When you say hello to a stranger you become like a pebble(鹅卵石) thrown into a pond. With each ripple (波纹)you create, you spread love that continues to  46 . Make a point of saying hello to a stranger today. You will give the gift that keeps on giving.

35. A. She            B. They          C. He            D. I     

36. A. nervous         B. funny          C. special         D. surprised

37. A. lost            B. left            C. missed         D. dropped

38. A. wondered        B. shared         C. realized         D. found

39. A. because         B. so            C. and           D. but    

40. A. weakness        B. illness          C. sorriness        D. sadness       

41. A. god            B. time           C. nature          D. friendship

42. A. thinking         B. calling          C. crying         D. talking 

43. A. offered          B. afforded        C. invited         D. chosen

44. A. moved          B. touched        C. told           D.    helped

45. A. progress         B. sense          C. trouble         D. difference

46. A. receive          B. send           C. give           D. create

Each of us fails from time to time. If we are wise, we accept these failures as a necessary  31 of the learning process. But too often as parents and teachers we deny this same right to our children. We convey(传达) 32  by words or by actions that failure is something to be ashamed of, that nothing but  33  performance pleases us.

34 I see a child under this kind of pressure ,I think of Jack. He is a shy, nervous perfectionist. He  35 answered questions—he might be  36 .

I try my best to  37 his self-confidence. And I repeatedly  38  God for direction. But  39 changed until midterm, when Mary, a student teacher, came to our classroom.

One day we were working with math problems. Jack had copied the problems with care. 40 with his progress, I left the children with Mary .When I returned, Jack was in tears. He’d missed the third problem.

At that time, Mary got a box  41 with pencils from the desk we shared. “Look, Jack ! I’ve got something to show you.” she said.“ See these pencils, they belong to Mrs. Green and me. See how the erasers are  42  ? That’s because we make mistakes too. But we erase the mistakes and try  43 . That’s what you must learn to do, too.” Jack looked up with  44 in his eyes---the first time I’d see on his face that year.

Jack gradually believe him that it’s all  45 to make mistakes – as long as you erase them and try again.

31. A. life           B. part            C. game            D. show

32. A. neither         B. nor            C. either            D. or

33. A. high           B. bad            C. top              D. big

34. A. When         B. While           C. As              D. Although

35. A. always         B. sometimes       C. ever             D. seldom

36. A. right          B. wrong          C. mistake           D. fail

37. A. start          B. set             C. establish          D. build

38. A. told           B. asked           C. said             D. spoke

39. A. something      B. nothing          C. anything          D. everything

40. A. Kind          B. Nice            C. Great            D. Pleased

41. A. filled          B. full             C. deal             D. do

42. A. broke          B. new            C. good             D. worn

43. A. once          B. again           C. too              D. either

44. A. disappointment   B. sadness         C. fear             D. love

45. A. right          B. OK            C. well             D. good

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