Sophia is smart, talented and incredibly nice. As a team leader, she wishes Nathan, a member of her history project, did his part as required. But rather than criticize him, Sophia offered polite encouragement trying to push him instead, only to find that Nathan kept falling behind. It ended up that other team members, who had to take on more work, complained about both Sophia and Nathan, while Nathan himself complained that he was not treated fairly.

How did poor Sophia get into this mess? The primary reason was that Sophia failed in a key aspect of leadership- the duty to provide clear feedback(反馈)for team members. This isn't simply a duty but a correctness.

Failing to question or criticize Nathan's work, Sophia was in fact unkind. Many people are not a failure, like Nathan in this case; they're just in the wrong place, and still left in the dark. What they really need is feedback from their leaders. However, Sophia, in this case, withheld a gift from Nathan.

"You'd better use open, honest, continuous and clear feedback," says Harry Kraemer, a professor of management and strategy at Northwestern University, "to help figure out someone's best fit- in their particular job or in the organization."

This approach also prevents surprises. It's not uncommon to see someone suddenly removed from a team. They may have deserved it, but with a kind leader, they wouldn't have been caught off-guard because they would have been receiving open, honest, continuous and clear judgment of their performance.

Then why is it so hard for leaders to give good feedback? "We like to be liked," Kraemer says. So we avoid anything that may cause unpleasantness, but that kind of feedback usually helps members find the right place for them. "If you like to be liked, the chance of being respected is extremely low. However, if you start off focusing on being respected, you have a chance of being liked." Kraemer adds. The most difficult part for the leader, of course, involves criticizing someone. That is what a nice leader finds hard.

Back to Sophia's case. Not telling Nathan how he was on the team only made a hard situation worse. But with a different mindset, she could have set herself and Nathan up for success.

1.The expression "caught off-guard" in Paragraph 5 probably means"________"

A.kicked out carelessly B.treated unexpectedly

C.sent out unfairly D.guided effortlessly

2.The writer probably agrees that________.

A.being nice to team members is likely to win leaders great respect

B.criticizing team members results in serious complaints to the leader and honest communication is a must for leaders and team members

D.praise and encouragement from leaders bring out better team performance

3.According to the writer, what Sophia should do is________.

A.patiently encouraging Nathan to try his best

B.gradually having Nathan dropped out of the project

C.politely showing Nathan the improvement he made

D.clearly telling Nathan her judgment of his performance

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.To be nice or to be kind? B.To be liked or to be criticized?

C.Is it necessary for leaders to be pleasing? D.Is it helpful for leaders to be demanding?

Trying to lose weight can be difficult, and while we all know exercise and diet are both basic needs, which one is more important?

If you had to choose, should you be hitting the gym, or eating salads? There are many ways you can burn a few hundred calories (卡路里): running for 20 minutes, an hour of swimming, or singing your favourite song 23 times. But the point is, it takes time to burn a lot of calories even with most tiring activity - not to mention the time spent on the way to the gym, and then back home to clean up.

Now, compare this to the number of calories in a chocolate bar - which is often over 200 calories. You could either walk for about an hour to burn that 200 calories, or you could simply not eat that chocolate bar. Which sounds easier to you? How about running for 30 minutes every day or cutting out those two cans of soda? Many physicians point out that there is a lot of high-sugar, high-fat, high-calorie foods we could cut from our diet, to see weight loss results more quickly. And studies also show that diet does actually play a bigger role in weight loss than exercise. A survey of 2000 children found that the level of physical activity was not the main reason for their weight. And a study of 3000 adults discovered that cutting down calories was connected to greater weight loss than exercise alone.

Of course, exercise has many health advantages besides weight loss, like slowing the aging process and improving mental health. But at the end of the day, if you expect to lose weight, you’re likely to get more bang for your buck if you focus on your diet first.


1.The underlined words “get more bang for your buck” most probably means ________.

A.更加合算 B.付出努力 C.怦然心动

2.From the third paragraph mainly tells us that ________.

A.there is a lot of high-sugar, high fat, high-calorie foods in our daily diets

B.exercise like walking plays an important part in keeping our bodies healthy

C.your diet has a greater influence on your weight loss than exercise

3.The energy in a chocolate bar ________. as much as the energy we need for singing a song 23 times

B.may be burnt by walking for about half an hour

C.should not be added to a diet when you want to lose weight

4.Which of following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.A survey of 3000 children found out that cutting down calories is more important

B.Exercise has many health advantages besides helping us lose weight

C.In fact, exercise is not needed when we want to lose weight

5.Which of the following would you choose as the title of the passage?

A.Exercise VS Diet B.How To Lose Weight C.Different diets

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