
How do students around the world get to school? Do you know? We ___1___ a survey about it last month and this is what we ___2___.

In North America,most students go to school ___3___ the school bus.Some students ___4___ walk or ride bikes to school.In ___5___ parts of the world,things are different.In Japan,most students take trains to school,___6___ others walk or ride their bikes,too.In China,it deepens on ___7___ you are.In big cities,students usually ride bikes to school or take buses,but in small villages,students go to school ___8___ and it usually ___9___ them more time to go to school.And in places where there are rivers and lakes,like Hongshanhu and Kaishandao,students usually go to school by boat.That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus.Do you think ___10___?

1.A.did                        B.carried                   C.had

2.A.saw                      B.got                      C.1istened

3.A.by                         B.in                        C.on

4.A.also                       B.too                      C.either

5.A.another                  B.other                  C.others

6.A.if                          B.because               C.although

7.A.where                   B.who                    C.what

8.A.on feet                         B.on foot                C.with foot

9.A.spends                         B.costs                   C.takes

10.A.so                       B.such                    C.that

1—5 ABCAB         6—10 CABCA


Several years ago, a television reporter was talking to three of the most important people in America. One was a very rich banker, another owned one of the largest companies in the world, and the third owned many buildings in the center of New York.

The reporter was talking to them about being important.

“How do we know if someone is really important?” the reporter asked the banker.

The banker thought for a few moments and then said, “I think anybody who is invited to the Whiter House to meet the President of the United States is really important.”

The reporter then turned to the owner of the very large company. “Do you agree with that?” she asked.

The man shook his head, “No. I think the President invites a lot of people to the White House. You’d only be important if while you were visiting the President, there was a telephone call from the president of another country, and the President of the US said he was too busy to answer it.”

The reporter turned to the third man. “Do you think so?”

“No, I don’t.” he said. “I don’t think that makes the visitor important. That makes the President important.”

“Then what would make the visitor important?” the reporter and the other two men asked.

“Oh, I think if the visitor to the White House was talking to the President and the phone rang, and the President picked up the receiver, listened and then said, ‘it’s for you.’”

1.This story happened in _______.





2.The banker thought _______.

A.He was really important because he was a rich banker

B.The visitor to the White House was really important

C.The visitor who met the President of the United States was really important

D.the reporter was really important

3.The owner of many buildings thought _______.

A.He was really important because he owned many buildings in the center of New York

B.The owner of the very large company was really important

C.The visitor was really important if he talking to the President and the President received a telephone call for the visitor

D.The person who worked in the White House was really important


Everyone needs friends. There is an old saying “Friends are God's way of taking care of us.” But how do you find real friendship and keep it?

   The American writer Sally Seamans tells young students some smart ways to find friends. Sally says finding friendship is just like planting a tree. You plant the seed and take care of it to make it grow.

   First, you should choose a friend. What makes a Good friend? It is not because a person has money or good looks. A good friend should be kind and patient. For example, if you have a bad day, a good friend should listen to your complaints and do his or her best to help. To make a friend, you can not be too shy. You should make each other happy and share your lives. But things cannot always be happy. Even the best have fights. What should you do when you have a fight with your friend? You have to talk to him or her. When there is no one around, have an honest talk. If he or she doesn't want to talk, you could write a letter.

   There are three steps to being friends again:

   Tell him or her how you are feeling ; say what your friend has done wrong, and explain why you did this or that. Remember that friendship is the most important thing in your life.

(   ) 1. Sally wants to tell students the ways to ________.

      A. find friends    B. plant trees   C. get happy    D. keep fit           

(   ) 2. What makes good friends? A good friend should ________.

A. be lovely and cool                 B. be kind and patient

C. have lots of money                 D. have good looks

(   ) 3. What is the best title of the text?

A. Teenagers and friendship       B. The good friends around you

C. The trouble of growing up      D. The care and keeping of friends


We recycle(回收利用)rubbish, so why not language? Recycling language means using vocabulary that you have learnt before again and again. However, unlike rubbish that piles up(堆积)in our environment. if we do not recycle language, we simply forget it. So how do you recycle language?

There are basically three ways to do it. The first is through reading. Go back to your favourite articles and read them once more. Just reread them and do not worry about each vocabulary item. If there are some that you are not sure about, make a guess and you will probably guess right. The second way to recycle is through writing. Look at some of your favourite articles and write either a short paragraph or a few sentences in your own words. After you have done this a few times, go back and read through what you have written, checking vocabulary functions. Don't worry if you have made mistakes. That's how you learn. The third way to recycle language is by having an imaginary chat with yourself about your favourite articles at home. You can pretend there is someone with you who speaks English and tell him what you are thinking about or how you feel.

(     )12. According to the passage, recycling language means ______.

A. repeating vocabulary at times    B. revising vocabulary at a proper time

C. learning new vocabulary as much as possible

D. using vocabulary that we have learnt very often

(     )13. If we recycle language, it may ______.

A. be kept in our mind                  B. be forgotten easily

C. pile up in our environment            D. disappear from our mind soon

(     )14. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in recycling language?

A. Reading.        B. Listening.       C. Writing.        D. Speaking.

(     )15. Which of the following is probably the best title of the passage?

A. Why to Recycle Language              B. How to Learn Vocabulary

C. How to Recycle Language              D. Why to Learn Vocabulary


We all need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It makes your heart and body strong. It also gives you more energy. And you will feel better yourself. It’s best to exercise twice a week. Twenty minutes each time is enough.

There are many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, play sports, or swim. Many people go to special places to exercise. They are called “fitness centers”. These places have a lot of equitment. Some people buy equitment for their homes. But it is very expensive.

Exercising can be fun. Friends can exercise together at fithess center. Or they can play sports together, how do you exercise?

1.What is the main idea?

A. Exercise equitment is expensive.            B. Playing sports is a good way to exercise.

C. Every person should exercise.                       D. Fitness centers are popular.

2.We should exercise ________.

A. every day                                                            B. 20 minutes a week.

C. twice a week                                                      D. two times a month

3. At fitness cemters,________.

A. you can buy expensive equitment               B. people can do many kinds of exercise

C. it is very expensive                                            D. exercising is not fun

4.Which of these kinds of exercise is not mentioned(提及)in the article?

A. Sports  .                 B. Swimming.                     C. Running.                         D. Dancing.

5.Which of these sentences about exercising is true?

A. Exercising is expensive.                                   B. Exercising good for heart.

C. Only doctors exercise.                                     D. Friends never exercise together.


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