As a single parent of four children, money was always tight .It was Christmas time, and although  there wasn’t money for a lot of gifts, we planned to celebrate with a family party . But the big excitement for the kids was the fun of Christmas (36).
They planned weeks ahead of time , asking (37) what they wanted for Christmas. luckily, I have saved $120 for (38) to share by all five of us .
The big (39) arrived. I gave each kid a twenty-dollar bill and (40) them to look for gifts of about four dollars each. Then everyone scattered(散开). We had two hours to shop. Then we would (41) back at the “Santa’s Workshop.”
Driving home, everyone was in high Christmas spirits (42) my younger daughter, Tina, who was unusual (43). She had only one small, flat bag with a few candies—fifty-cent candies! I was so angry, but I didn’t say anything (44) we got home. I called her into my bedroom and closed the door,(45) to be angry again. This is what he told me:
“ I was looking (46) thinking of what to buy , and I (47) to read the title cards on the ‘Giving Trees.’ One was for a little girl, four years old. And all she (48) for Christmas was a doll .So I took the card off the tree and (49) the doll for her. We have so much and she doesn’t have anything.”
I never felt so (50) as I did that day.

A.the otherB.each by oneD.every other one

Long long ago, there lived two girls named Emily and Tina. Both of them had long black hair and blue eyes. One day while they were playing in the back yard (庭院), Emily heard a tinkling (叮当) sound. She jumped up. “Listen,” she told her twin. They listened. The noise came again.

This time Tina heard it. She sat up. “It came from over there,” She whispered, looking at the zinnias (鱼尾菊) far away. They came near to find it out. Then something flew out, making the same tinkling sound they had heard before. The children looked at one another. “Was it a bee?” asked Tina. “I don’t think so,” replied Emily. “Do bees make a sound like bells?” “Let’s call it the Tinkle Bee anyway,” said Tina. Emily nodded, listening with a little difficulty. What had made that noise?

    The next day, Emily and Tina brought their cookies outside. Tina took her plate by the zinnias. Suddenly she caught something. “Emily!” she called. “I’ve got the Tinkle Bee!” Emily rushed over. They sat down on the grass. Tina opened her hand very carefully. There was that sound! Something was shining in Tina’s hand. They smiled. Then Emily cried, “It’s a fairy (仙女)!” Tina looked down at it in her hand. It looked like a girl. A tiny girl with wings! Tina dropped it before she noticed that a wing was torn (撕裂). The little fairy could not fly away so she took a piece of grass out of the ground and sat on it.

Emily and Tina were surprised at what they saw. The fairy turned to Emily and said, “Hello, I am Marabella.” Then she said again, “Marabella the Fairy.” Emily smiled. “I’m Emily,” she said. Tina said, “I’m Tina. Are you really a fairy?” “Oh, yes!” replied Marabella. “I’ve always been a fairy.”

1.Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word “tiny” in this passage?

A. Weak.               B. Nice.         C. Little.                    D. Sick.

2.How did the sound come out?

A. A bee behind the zinnias made the sound.        

B. It came out from the fairy’s flying.

C. It came out when the fairy shouted for help.       

D. The bell by the zinnias rang.

3.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. Emily and Tina found a tinkling sound when they were playing in the yard.

B. Emily and Tina were very interested in the tinkling sound.

C. How a fairy by the zinnias was saved by the twins.

D. The process of Emily and Tina’s finding a fairy.


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