My dad was a fisherman. He worked hard and stayed out until he caught enough    36  to feed the family nearly every day. When the weather was bad he would    37  me to school. An old truck was used in his fishing business. When we got to the school, he would give me a big   38  on the face and tell me to be a good    39 . It was so embarrassing for me. I was 12 years old, and my dad would still kiss me goodbye!
I remember the day when I decided I was too    40  for a goodbye kiss. When we got to the school and came to a stop, he had his usual big smile. He started to lean (倾斜) toward me, but I put my hand up and   41 , “No, Dad.” It was the first time I had ever talked to him that way. He had a surprised look on his face for a long time, and his    42 started to be wet. He turned and looked out of the windshield (挡风玻璃). “You’re   43  ,” he said.“You are a big boy—a man. I won’t kiss you any more.”
It wasn’t long after that when my dad went out to   44  and never came back. It was a day when most of the fishermen stayed at home except Dad. He had a big family to feed
How I wish I had been a man then. If I had been a man, I would    45  have told my dad I was too old for a goodbye kiss.
【小题2】 D.bring
A.kiss B.laughC.lookD.hand
A.old B.youngC.excitedD.moved
A.handsB.feetC.eyes D.face
A.schoolB.sea C.boatD.river
A.stillB.everC.never D.only

Expressions cover all parts of our life. They may be around your ears every day. You may know a lot of Chinese expressions that describe how you feel. Here are some English ones for your enjoyment.
Have Your Heart in Your Mouth
This expression means that you're really afraid or anxious about something. When your heart starts beating so much that you can feel a thumping(怦怦跳) in your throat, it may feel like you "have your heart in your mouth."
Have Butterflies in the Stomach
How did butterflies get in your stomach? Well, those really aren't butterflies in there. It is a way of describing those nervous feelings you might get before a test or a very important decision.
These stomach flutters (跳动) are normal and happen to many people. Some people believe having a few butterflies might even help you perform better.
Sick as a Dog
If you've ever been very sick, you may have used this expression. Because dogs eat just about anything they find, they often get sick. So it's all right to describe someone who's not feeling well as being "sick as a dog".
Under the Weather
When it's rainy all day outside, how would you feel? This expression comes from the idea that bad weather might hurt a person's health and mood(心情).
【小题1】The expression "__" is most probably used while you are watching a thriller.
A. have your heart in your mouth
B. sick as a dog
C. under the weather
【小题2】Someone believes__ if you "have butterflies in the stomach" before a test.
A. you're sure to fail
B. you will forget everything
C. you might do better
【小题3】It's __ to say somebody is "sick as a dog" when he is not feeling well.
A. impolite   B. suitable       C. wrong
【小题4】When somebody says "under the weather", he must feel     
A. upset      B. happy         C. calm
【小题5】All expressions discussed in this passage are about      
A. health      B. habits        C. feelings

Dear Karen,

As you probably know, it’s my sister Suzie’s 16th birthday in a week. We’re planning a surprise party for her. Julie’s going to pick her up from school as usual on Friday but she’s not taking her home. She’s bringing her to the Palace Hotel, the big modern one near the station. We’re having a meal there and we’ve also hired (租用) the ballroom (舞厅) for a party in the evening. I hope you can come!

All her friends from school are coming and quite a few of the people from our village, too. Of course, Mum and Dad are coming up from England and I’ve managed to persuade (说服) our other sister, Marie, to come over from Australia. She’s bringing her kids with her, too.

After the party we’re going to have another one on Saturday! Well, not really a party. We’re inviting the family and close friends (that includes you) for a meal at the house. If the weather is nice, we’d like to have a barbecue in the garden. Julie’s going to make a special cake for Suzie.

Anyway, we hope to make it a really special weekend for Suzie. On Sunday we’re all going for a walk in the country. You know how she loves walking and we’re all going to need a bit of exercise after all that lovely food. We’re hoping to go up to the lake. Marie said she wanted her kids to feed the ducks just like Suzie and she did when they were very young. I’m sure Suzie will love that too.

It would be great if you could come over for the weekend. We would all love to see you.

Let me know as soon as you can.



1.Who is Karen?  ______

A. David’s cousin.                                            B. David’s friend.

C. David’s sister.                                              D. David’s classmate.

2.David and Julie are planning to have Suzie’s birthday party ______ on Friday evening.

A. at the Palace Hotel                                              B. at the house

C. in the garden                                                       D. beside the lake

3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned?   ______

A. To make a special cake.                                     B. To have a barbecue.

C. To go swimming.                              D. To feed the ducks.

4._____ won’t come for the meal at the house on Saturday because David doesn’t invite them /her.

A. Karen                                                                    B. People from their village

C. Suzie’s Mum and Dad                                D. Marie and her kids

5.Why is David planning a walk in the country on Sunday?

Because he thinks ______.

A. Suzie loves walking very much

B. Suzie used to take a walk there after dinner

C. it is special for Marie’s kids to go for a walk in the country

D. Suzie can feed the ducks in the river when going for a walk


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