
One afternoon David went to buy a pen for himself. _________ his way to the shop, he saw an old woman drop a small bag to the ground. Before he told her about it, a worker had picked it up and put it into his pocket. Soon the woman couldn't find her bag and went to ask the worker,_________ the man didn't tell the woman that he saw it. Looking at the tall and strong man, David could not help the old woman and _________.

That evening _________little boy felt sorry. He thought and thought and at last he found a way.The next morning, after he had breakfast, David went to his friend _______ home and told him about it. The boy agreed _______ him give the worker a lesson. The man was cleaning a sewer (下水道) _______ the two boys passed by.

"My mother dropped her gold watch into this sewer yesterday," David said to Mike, When he beard this, the worker's eyes lit up (发光).“Well, boys.," he said. “It's dirty here. Go and _________ somewhere else.

About two hours _________ the two boys passed there again.The worker stopped them and asked, “________________ you sure that your mother lost her gold watch here?"“Yes,” answered David.

“But my father has got it out!"

1.A.On B.In C.At D.With

2.A.and B.but C.or D.so

3.A.left B.leave C.leaves D.leaving

4.A.the B.an C.a D./

5.A.Mike B.Mike's C.Mikes D.Mikes'

6.A.help B.helping C.to help D.with helping

7.A.after B.when C.where D.which

8.A.play B.to play C.plays D.played

9.A.lately B.late C.later D.latest

10.A.Do B.Did C.Was D.Are


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