An old man was sitting on the sofa with Mike, his 45-year-old son. Suddenly a dove(鸽子) landed on the ground.

The father asked his son, “What is this?”

The son replied, “It is a dove.”

After a few minutes, the father asked his son for the second time, “What is this?”

The son said, “Father, I have just told you. It’s a dove.”

After a little while, the old father asked his son for the third time, “What is this?”

This time Mike could not control his anger and shouted, “It’s a dove, a dove. Why do you keep asking me the same question again and again? I have told you so many times ‘IT IS A DOVE’ Don’t you understand this?”

The old man silently took out an old diary, turned to a page and showed it to Mike. Though a little impatient(不耐烦), Mike began to read it.

“Today my little son aged three was sitting with me on the sofa, when a dove landed on the ground. and my son asked me what it was. I smiled at him, said it was a dove and hugged him. After a while Mike asked me again and I did the same. Pointing to the same dove, little Mike asked me what it was 23 times and I kept on answering his question and hugging him every time.”

Something gently touched Mike’s heart. His face turned red with shame for being so impatient to his father and he hugged him tightly(紧紧地).

Your parents have given you many things in their lifetime, but you may not realize that until they are gone.

1.Why did the old man ask his son the question again and again?

A.He didn’t know the dove. B.He liked to ask questions.

C.He couldn’t remember anything. D.He tried to teach his son something in his lifetime.

2.How many times did the father ask his son the same question?

A.Twice. B.Three times. C.Five times. D.Twenty-three times.

3.What did the father do after Mike asked him the question?

A.Shouting at him. B.Hugging him.

C.Keeping silent. D.Being angry with him.

4.Why did Mike’s face turn red?

A.He was shy. B.He felt surprised.

C.He felt shamed. D.He was afraid of his father.

5.What really touched Mike’s heart according to the passage?

A.His father’s diary. B.His father’s love.

C.His father’s answers. D.His father’s hugs.

When the two brothers were old enough to marry, their father was not happy because their family wasn’t so rich that the brothers often argued with each other about some small interest and he really didn’t know how they would quarrel when they broke up the family and lived apart.

One day, their father was sick,lying in bed and staring at nothing,when the elder son came over to wish him good health. His father said,” Ask your brothers to come here,and I have something to say.”

The younger brother arrived. Their father sat up and said,”I don’t know how the disease(疾病)hit. I’m feeling terribly unwell.”The brothers persuaded(劝说)their father not to worry about it ,but he shook his head,”In fact I don’t worry about this disease because I manage it ,but if you are in discord with each other in the future, it will be our family’s ‘disease’ and no one can deal with it .”The brothers felt ashamed.

The father got out of the bed,pointed to some chickens in the yard and said,”Look at them sitting there in peace with each other, isn’t it good?”Then their father brought out a bowl of corns,went quietly behind the house and spread most of them on the ground.Then he went back to the yard with only a few corns left and flung at (扔向)the chickens.As soon as they saw the corns,the chickens jumped up,quacked their wings and fought for it .The peaceful world was now filled with”smoke of gunpowder”for some coins.

The brothers smiled and understood what their father was driving at .

Their father added,”Both of you saw more corns are behind the house...”

Actually,aren’t many troubles in life because God scattered(撒)some corns before us?

1.What was the old man worried about ?

A.The elder son would make trouble with the younger one .

B.His family was too poor to leave them anything.

C.The two sons would fight over some small things.

D.The corns in his house was not enough for them to live on.

2.How did the old man think of his illness?

A.It was serious ,but he could go through it .

B.It was serious ,he couldn’t live long.

C.It was not serious ,and he thought it as nothing.

D.It was serious,and he could hardly stand it .

3.The underlined phrase”are in disorder”in paragraph 3 means_____here.

A.agree with each other B.get on badly with each other

C.make friends with each other D.are impolite to each other

4.Why did the old man spread most of corns on the ground ?

A.Because the chickens had already had enough.

B.Because he wanted his sons to grow more corns next year.

C.Because he wanted the chickens to found the rest.

D.Because he wanted to show the terrible scene to his sons.

5.What does the writer want to tell us ?

A.We should fine new ways to deal with troubles in life .

B.There are always bad things in our life which we should face.

C.The disease of a family is more serious than the disease of a person.

D.People should be hard-working and live peacefully together.

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