
A:Excuse me.1.

B:No, but there is one on Nanjing Street. And it is a good place to have fun.You can take a taxi to get to Nanjing Street.

A: 2.?

B: Yes, you can. 3..

A:Well, is there a bank near the park?

B: Yes.4..There is a supermarket on the corner.Then pass the supermarket, and you can see a small restaurant. 5..

A: Thank you very much.

B: 6..

A. You are welcome.

B. Is there a park near here?

C. On your left is a bank.

D. The hotel is in front of the park.

E. Just go down Nanjing Street and turn right

F .Can I find a hotel near the park

1.B 2.F 3.D 4.E 5.C 6.A 【解析】本对话主要问路,问去公园和银行怎么走,注意问路句型,像Is there…near here?/Where is…/How can I get to等,及答语go down…, and turn right/left等 。 1.句意:这附近有公园吗?根据回答No, but there is one on...

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