
Allan’s school has about 2,500 students in six grades—Grades Seven to Twelve. It    1.    120 full time students    2.     45 classrooms.

Allan    3.    to school at 7:00a.m by bus.    4.   school starts at 7:30. Everyone must go to school before it starts. There    5.    seven classes in a day, four in the morning and three in the afternoon. After class four in the morning, everyone goes to have lunch in the canteen (食堂). Not many people bring food to    school   6.  food in the canteen   7.     cheap. Class five starts at 2:30 p.m. and class seven ends at 5:00 p.m.

  8.  school in the afternoon, some students go home, some play at school. The most popular sport at school is basketball. Allan usually goes home at 5:30 p.m. because he goes to play football and basketball at school. After that he goes home by bike. When he gets home, he cleans my home every day, then he goes to take    9.   shower (淋浴) and     10.  his homework.

11.A. have                B. has              C. had                    D. having

12.A. and                 B. or                   C. so                   D. but

13.A. go         B. goes              C. going                  D. went

14.A. He                  B. Him             C. Ours                  D. His

15.A. is             B. are               C. has                   D. have

16.A. before         B. but                     C. so                   D. because

17.A. were               B. was               C. is                     D. are

18.A. At           B. After            C. Before                 D. In

19.A. a             B. an                  C. the                 D. /

20.A. do         B. did                 C. does               D. is doing

















The 2010 Shanghai World Expo has been open for several months and there are large numbers of volunteers serving there.

    Chen Chuan,a 19- year-old student at Fudan University, is usually fast asleep at 6 am. But over the May 1 holiday, he was rising early to eat breakfast and    41    answer questions like,“Where can I find the toilet?” Such is the life of a Shanghai World Expo volunteer. But Chen and his 72,000 colleagues(同事)aren't complaining,   42   ,they’re trying not to. “Volunteering is   43   work,”Chen said,“but it makes me feel happy. ”

    Other student volunteers have   44   feelings. Wang Lin an 18-year-old volunteer from Chongqing University,told us about trying to explain to a tourist why a line to visit a pavilion was so long. When the tourist suddenly got quite angry, Wang became upset   45   being shouted at. Wang said. “I didn’t expect we would have to face so many difficulties in our service. But I know serving is about giving   46  . ”Still,the very next day, Wang received a reward(嘉奖)when she helped a lost child   47   his parents. “The happy smiles and their gratitude(感谢)made me feel so   48   ,” Wang said. “That’s   49  I now always smile to others,even if they don’t look happy. Smiling makes me happy. ”

      50   their green and white clothes,people call volunteers “Little Cabbage”. Wang likes this nickname(绰号). “We’re green, we are fresh,just like the vegetable,”Wang said.

1.A. get ready to      B. get ready for        C. be ready           D. get ready

2.A. at most         B. at least           C. after all            D. at last

3.A. hardly            B. a hard              C. a hardly            D. hard

4.A. same             B. different            C. difficult             D. the same

5.A. for             B. at                      C. in             D. with

6.A. and receiving    B. not receiving        C. for receiving         D. with receiving

7.A. found             B. with finding C. to be found          D. find

8.A. sweetly         B. sweet          C. sweets            D. sweetness

9.A. what                  B. how              C. why             D. where

10.A. Because of      B. Because           C. Thank to            D. Thanks for


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