
Thanks to the world?famous writer Garcia Marquez, many people think of Latin America as a land of magic.

Where does the magic in his books come from? It may come from the mix of different cultures and ethnicities (种族) in Latin America. Although some of their differences have caused troubles, they have also been a source(源头) of beauty, as well as encouraged people in Latin America to be more open?minded.

Latin America includes more than 30 countries and areas located on the south of the United States. It starts from Mexico in North America, going down into the south of South America.

Latin America’s environments are quite different. People can enjoy sunshine on the islands, ride horses in the green grasslands(牧场), and climb mountains covered with snow. It even has the world’s biggest rainforest(雨林)—the Amazon. Many of the world’s most unusual plants and animals live there.

There is also a mix of people in Latin America, including the local people, Africans and Europeans. However, most of them speak the same languages—Spanish or Portuguese(葡萄牙语).

Latin America is quite well?known for its music and dance. Latin Americans have created many dance styles. Latin dance styles are cheerful and can bring strangers together. These dance styles require dancers to hold each other closely and move in a passionate(热情的) way. People often dance in bars(酒吧) or at parties.

Latin America is open and lively. Its impressively natural environment, history and cultural traditions have made it special.

1.What gives the magic to Latin America?

A.The famous writer Garcia Marquez’s books. B.The plants and animals.

C.The mix of cultures and ethnicities. D.Different traditions in different nations.

2.Where is Latin America?

A.On the south of the United States. B.Next to Mexico.

C.In the west part of Europe. D.On the north of Spain.

3.Because of the differences in Latin America’s environments, ________.

A.people waste much water resource B.many unusual animals and plants have places to live in

C.it’s easy for Latin Americans to get lost D.Latin Americans speak different languages

4.Where can we find people who dance in different styles in Latin America?

A.In sports meetings. B.In dance classes.

C.On the streets. D.In bars or at parties.

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A.My Trip to Latin America B.Environments of Latin America

C.Latin America—Full of Magic D.People in Latin America


Cyber Boy 5-26-2019 2:15 p.m.

Hi, I’m planning a trip to Europe this summer. I haven’t decided where to go yet, but I’d like to experience Britain and France. And I don’t want to spend too much money. Any ideas?

Esperanto 5-26-2019 2:33 p.m.

I had a tour to Britain last year. It’s a very nice place. I had a great time there. If you get a chance, visit Stratford. That’s the town where Shakespeare lived.

Yoshi 5-26-2019 2:38 p.m.

First you should make sure what you want to do there. Each country in Europe has so much to see. Are you interested in museums and castles( 城堡) ?Or do you want to get to know anything modern?

Cyber Boy 5-26-2019 3:02 p.m.

Yoshi---Good question. I’d like to see some museums, but I also want to try some of famous food in France, and a castle would also be great.

Yoshi 5-26-2019 3:21 p.m.

I think an English –France-Germany trip might work well for you. You can do a little bit of everything. That’s wonderful.

Esperanto 5-26-2019 3:38 p.m.

It’s easier to say than to do. It will need a lot of money and take time. Cyber Boy isn’t so rich. I think he’d better go to France first this time and he is still able to travel to England or Germany in the future if possible

Yoshi 5-16-2019 3:54 p.m.

Esperanto ─That sounds OK. But I’m not sure if he will have another trip to Europe.


1.According to the passage, we can probably find the message ________.

A.in a school newspaper B.in a local magazine

C.on the Internet

2.Cyber Boy organized the discussion in order to ________.

A.work out a travel plan B.find much pleasure

C.suggest a group tour

3.Yoshi suggested Cyber Boy should ________.

A.take a simple tour to three countries

B.choose England for future travel

C.pick Germany for this summer

4.Esperanto was considering Cyber Boy ’s difficulty with________.

A.custom B.transportation C.money

5.Yoshi was _________ Esperanto ’s idea when he said “That sounds OK. But…”.

A.agreeing with B.arguing against C.following

Everyone wants to have good relationships with others. Here, I’d like to__________some useful ways with you. The first step is to have good conversations with others. Here are some ______for you.

Find a few things about the person_________you actually start a conversation.Begin the conversation with some interesting information that’s not too personal.

Ask questions so that the other person can__________himself or herself, such as “What do you like to do?” Discuss things about them that you might be interested in hearing, and__________ask questions. People love having a__________to discuss their experiences.

Make sure that you show genuineness(真诚). Keep eye contact and__________your head or give response, like “That’s interesting.”

Listen actively. A conversation will go nowhere if you are__________thinking of other things. If you listen well, you can ask questions according to the other person’s words.

Know when the conversation will_________. Even the best conversation will run out of steam or be ended by an interruption(打扰). Smile, and say that you enjoy the_________. Ending on a positive note will make the other person want to talk to you again.

1.A.write B.share C.speak D.think

2.A.jokes B.sides C.suggestions D.praises

3.A.because B.unless C.although D.before

4.A.talk about B.care about C.put on D.depend on

5.A.suddenly B.especially C.politely D.secretly

6.A.purpose B.method C.lesson D.chance

7.A.nod B.hit C.open D.touch

8.A.free B.busy C.sure D.weak

9.A.start B.break C.end D.cancel

10.A.sport B.conversation C.game D.meeting

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