
【题目】请以“My Good Friend”为题写一篇短文,词数60字左右。

提示:1. 我有一个好朋友,名叫Bob。

2. 他12岁,个子高。

3. 他喜欢健康的食物,不喜欢汉堡包。

4. 他喜欢运动。他有五个棒球,八个排球,四个足球,三个篮球。

5. 他每天都做运动。


My Good Friend

I have a good friend and his name is Bob. He is twelve years old and he is a tall boy because he likes healthy food instead of hamburger. What’s more, he enjoys doing sports in his free time. He has five baseballs, eight volleyballs, four footballs as well as three basketballs. He loves sports so much that he does exercise every day.



【亮点说明】本文作者按照题目要求,正确完整的写作此文。语言简练,文笔流畅,善于使用并列连词与转副词将简单句连接成长句,另外,还能别出心裁的使用短语和主从句。例如,漂亮短语有:healthy food instead ofWhat’s more, enjoys doing sports in his free timeas well asdoes exercise。经典的主从句:he is a tall boy because he likes healthy food instead of hamburger 原因状语从句)。He loves sports so much that he does exercise every day.(结果状语从句)。总之,这是一篇优美的习作。


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