
Mike is seven years old now and begins(开始) to go to school. His father is a driver and takes him to school in his car. Mike studies very hard(努力地) and all his teachers like him very  much.
One day, Miss White teaches the students to count from one to ten. Mike can count them. Miss White is happy and asks him, “How many people(人) are there(有) in your family, Mike?”
“Two, Miss White, ” Mike says.
“Who are they?”
“My father and mother.”
“Oh?” Miss White is surprised(吃惊地). She says, “But I think there are three people in your family—your father, your mother and you. Am I right?”
“No. I’m not at home now. I’m at school, you know!” Mike says.
小题1:Mike is           years old.
A. 6                     B. 7                      C. 8
小题2:Mike’s father is a          .
A. teacher          B. doctor                   C. driver
小题3:Mike goes to school          .
A. with his mother      B. with his classmates     C. in a car
小题4:Mike is           now.
A. at school            B. at home                  C. in his father’s office
小题5:The word “count” means (意思是)“        ” in Chinese.
A. 读                B. 数                    C. 写


小题1:根据Mike is seven years old now 可知选B
小题1:根据His father is a driver 可知选C
小题1:根据His father is a driver and takes him to school in his car. 可知选C
小题1:根据One day, Miss White teaches the students to count from one to ten.可知他现在在学校,故选A
小题1:联系下文from one to ten 从一到十,可知是数数的意思,故选B
Spiderman is one of the most famous comic book heroes of all time. He was created by Stan Lee in 1963 and was first introduced to the world in the pages of Marvel comic books.
Spiderman’s story is the story of Peter Parker, a child who lost his parents and lives with his aunt and uncle. Peter is a shy, quiet boy wearing glasses and has few friends. One day, on a high school class trip to a science lab, he gets bitten by a special spider. Soon Peter realizes he has amazing powers: he is as strong and quick as a spider and also has a type of sixth sense. He no longer needs his glasses and he can use his super power to fly through the city streets! Remembering something his Uncle Ben has told him, that “with great power, there must also come great responsibility(责任),” Peter decides to use his powers to fight enemies who do cruel things to people. And so, Spiderman is born.
Life is not easy for Peter even though he is a superhero. He is in love with Mary Jane but cannot tell her about his amazing powers. Besides, his best friend Harry hates Spiderman! Peter is also short of money and time. He has to sell photos of Spiderman (himself!) to a newspaper and he keeps losing his other jobs because he’s so busy saving people! Yet he has to fight different kinds of cruel enemies.
小题1: Who created Spiderman?
A.Stan Lee.B.Marvel.C.Peter Parker.D.Superman.
小题2: What happened to Peter Parker after he was bitten by the spider?
A.He could not see with his eyes.B.He became a spider.
C.He developed spider-like powers.D.He was sick.
小题3: What does“with great power,there must also come great responsibility”mean?
A.Powerful people can do whatever they like.
B.People with power are always good.
C.Powerful people should have a responsibility to do good.
D.Powerful people are to blame for all the bad things that happen.
小题4: In what areas does Peter have problems that are similar to normal people?

Angela Chang (张韶涵) didn’t know it would be so hard to turn singing into a career (事业). She went to many different record companies. But she was always turned down for looking too young and small.
“I’d never had such difficulties before,” Chang said. But Chang’s talent was finally accepted in 2002. When she got a piece of work, she cried.
She soon became a star. Her first album Over the Rainbow sold very well. She won many awards.
“You wouldn’t believe such a beautiful voice could come from such a small body,” said one musician after hearing Chang sing. “She has a special voice. You can’t forget it.”
But the 25-year-old girl has other talents too. Chang is also an actress. She has played a role in the popular TV plays, My MVP Valentine and At Dolphin Bay. Many people remember her common-girl parts in the plays. But acting is difficult. Chang once acted so badly that she was nearly fired (解雇). Another time it took her 27 tries to get a scene (一场戏) right.
“I cried when I got back home,” Chang said. “But I knew that I wouldn’t always fail. You only fail when you give up.”
Now with four albums behind her - Over the Rainbow, Aurora, Pandora and Flower in the Wonderland, it’s clear that Chang and music were made for each other. As she sings in one song, “I have a pair of invisible wings (隐形的翅膀). They fly me to the skies and give me hope.”
小题1:The phrase “turned down” in the first paragraph means “______”.
小题2: Many record companies refused to co-operate (合作) with her because ______.
A.she looks very commonB.she is too young
C.she doesn’t sing very wellD.she looks young and small
小题3: Although acting is difficult for her, she never gives up because ______.
A.she is strong-mindedB.people like her films
C.she is interested in actingD.she acted in the popular TV plays
小题4:Which do you think is the best title of the passage?
A.The Small Girl.B.Four Albums.
C.I have a Pair of Invisible Wings.D.A Poor Actress.
Lang Lang, the young Chinese pianist, was born in Shenyang in 1982. He began to play the piano when he was 3. At the age of 5, he won first place in a piano competition in Shenyang. People thought he was a genius(天才). From then on, playing the piano became the dream of Lang and his parents.
When Lang was 9 years old, he and his father went to Beijing to study piano. His father even left his work. Although he endured(忍受) great pressure(压力), Lang never gave up his dream of becoming a concert pianist. When he was 17, Lang became famous after he played in a great concert in Chicago, US.
Now 28-year-old Lang is famous all over the world for his great performances. He played at the Beijing Olympics in 2008. He was also one of Times magazine’s 100 Most Influential(有影响力的) People in the World in 2009. He is one of the world’s great musicians.
小题1:What does Lang Lang do?
A.He is a violinist.B.He is a pianist.C.He is a music teacher.D.He is an engineer.
小题2:When did Lang Lang win first place in a piano competition in Shenyang?
A.In 1982.B.In 1985.C.In 1987.D.In 1991.
小题3:Why did Lang Lang’s father leave his work?
A.Because he wanted to find a job in Beijing.
B.Because he wanted to learn the piano.
C.Because he could find better jobs in Shenyang.
D.Because Lang Lang went to Beijing to study piano and he wanted to give much help.
小题4:Which is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Lang Lang works very hard at piano.
B.Lang Lang wasn’t famous before 2009.
C.Lang Lang was born in Liaoning Province.
D.Lang Lang played at the Beijing Olympics in 2008.

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