



Linda Brown


15 years old

First name


Last name


Phone number


E-mail Address

Linda1122@ sina.com

Fax number


1. Linda is a young girl.

2. Her last name is Linda.

3. She is fifteen years old.

4. Brown is her family name.

5. Her phone number is 234-678398.

6. She has not an e-mail address.

7. She has a telephone number.

8. You can send her an e-mail.

9. She has not a fax number.

10. You can call her or send her a fax.











10】 T


【1】由15 years old可知琳达15岁了,是个年轻的女孩。故选T。

【2】Last name Brown可知此句表述错误。

【3】由15 years old可知琳达15岁了,此句表述正确。

【4】last name=family name 姓,故此句表述正确。

【5】Phone number 234-98678可知此句表述错误。

【6】由E-mail Address Linda1122@ sina.com可知此句表述错误。

【7】Phone number 234-98678可知此句表述正确。

【8】由E-mail Address Linda1122@ sina.com可知琳达有邮箱,你可以给她发邮件。

【9】由Fax number 010-84763927可知琳达有传真号,故此句表述错误。

【10】由Fax number 010-84763927可知琳达有传真号,你可以给她发传真。


【题目】In your school bags, you may have a pencil, some kinds of pens, a ruler, and some books. None of these things grow in the fields. They were all made in factories. And, of course, they were invented by some people. There have not always been pencils or pens, a ruler and books. Thousands of years ago no one knew about these things.

Who invented them first? How did they have such clever ideas? We always don’t know. There have been many thousands of inventions, large and small, in the human history. Some of these inventions have changed the world. Such as paper, printing, radio, telephone and computer, and we know the inventors. But we have forgotten most of the other inventors.

Who invented the clock, for example, or the lock to the door? We don’t know. There have been thousands of inventors and we should grateful (感激的) to them for their clever ideas. Will you be one of them when you grow up?

1Most things in your school bags are made of _________.

A. paper B. wood C. metal D. nylon

2The inventors invented these things because _________.

A. their children were at school B. they hoped to save some money

C. they have a lot of clever ideas D. they have good machines

3The history books tell us _________.

A. who invented paper and printing B. who invented clocks and doors

C. when the first key was invented D. how much the silk cost

4We don’t know ________.

A. the names of the inventors of paper B. the names of the inventors of telephone

C. the names of the inventors of lamp D. the names of most inventors

5The writer wonders _________.

A. if you are an inventor B. if you want to be an inventor

C. what’s invented by you D. how many inventors you know

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