
【题目】Dear Victor,

I have received your loving letter from school and I am glad to know that you are becoming responsible(有责任的) enough to decide on your career(职业).

You are now in the final year of high school and are going to start further education in college. You know that we belong to different times, and my social life is different from yours. However, all I can say as advice is that you must choose a career wisely. The first consideration(考虑) is your interest. You can only succeed and feel happy when you do something you enjoy. You must get a job which not only

provides you with something useful, but also you are pleased with. Then, you must read a lot in the field (领域) you are aiming at. Also, you should get to know the men and women who work in that field. When mind and heart work together, success is inevitable.

No career is more or less important. I think your interest may be in the field of making TV

programmes. Your good communication skills, your taking an active part in school plays and the prizes you have won in speech competitions all lead you to that direction. So a career in Mass Communication and TV film production will bring luck to you. If you succeed in that field, you will become famous and rich.

Think a thousand times before making any final decision about your career. After all, we want you to be a man of success.

We all know that you are old enough to think for yourself.

With all the best wishes!

Your loving father

1We can inter that Victor wrote a letter to ask for advice on how to ________ .

A. get good grades B. choose a career

C. prepare for a competition D. communicate with others

2The underlined word "inevitable" means "

A. certain to lose B. easy to remember

C. difficult to get D. sure to happen

3The father mentions "school plays" and "speech competitions" (in Paragraph 3) in order to

A. show that he is proud of his son

B. suggest his son should work harder in this field

C. tell his son he can certainly succeed in this field

D. hint(暗示) that his son should consider choosing the career he suggests

4Which of the following is True?

A. Every career is the same important.

B. Being famous is more important than being rich.

C. His son is too young to make a decision himself.

D. There is no real understanding between parents and children.

5The father suggests that his son should ____________

A. be active in school activities

B. never be proud when making progress

C. consider interest first when choosing a career

D. keep good relationships with successful people








1细节理解题。 第一段中I am glad to know that you are becoming responsible(有责任的) enough to decide on your career(职业).我很高兴知道在决定你的职业时你变得够有责任,可知应选B。

2细节理解题。根据上文父亲建议,一方面要自己感兴趣,另一方面要做出准备,两个方面都具备了肯定就能成功。由此可以推测此句When mind and heart work together, success is inevitable句意为:当你的思想和心放在一起时,成功是一定,故选D。

3细节理解题。由your taking an active part in school plays and the prizes you have won in speech competitions all lead you to that direction. So a career in Mass Communication and TV film production will bring luck to you.可知是父亲在暗示他职业的生涯,故选D。

4细节理解题。根据Think a thousand times before making any final decision about your career. After all, we want you to be a man of success.作者的父亲认为每一个生涯都是重要的。可知选A。

5细节理解题。根据The first consideration is your interest可知兴趣是第一位的.故选C。


【题目】Lots of people make it as their aim to get to the top of Mount Qomolangma.Mark is one of them.The difference between Mark and other climbers is that he lost both his legs when climbing New Zealand’s highest mountain,Mount Cook.He was caught in a big ice hole and he had to have his legs cut below the knees after he was saved.But that couldn’t make Mark lose heart, who has become the first person with man-made legs to reach the top of Mount Qomolangma.

From the top of the world’s highest mountain,Mark called his wife to say he made it.His wife,Anne,got the phone when she was sleeping.She could hardly believe it.Because she knew how hard it would be for Mark to reach the top.She said his“legs”didn’t work well sometimes,so her husband was carrying a spare leg and repair tools.

Mark was a mountain guide before his accident.He said it was not important that no one bad ever reached the 8844-neter mountain like him.“I’m not doing this to be the first.I have been climbing most of my life and I just feel Mount Qomolangma is really a great aim.I want to prove that I can do anything better.”So if you have a dream, just work hard and go for it no matter how difficult it is.

1What was the difference between Mark and the other climbers?

He was the first person to reach the top of Mount Qomolangma with____________.

2Where did Mark lose his own legs?

He lost his own legs in an accident__________________.

3Whom did he call as soon as he reached the top?

He called_______________when he got there.

4What did Mark carry when he climbed Mount Qomolangma?

He carried_____________________________.

5What did Mark do before his accident?

He worked as_________________________.

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