


B: Sure. I was born in a small village and I lived there for many years.


B: Yes, there were many things to do, with lots of big trees, a store, three lakes, a river and many games. I wasn’t bored.


B: It was a small and short house. There were some trees in front of it.


B: Yes, I was. There were many children. Many of them were my good friends. We were happy to play together(一起).


B: Yes, I do. I miss my home town and my friends. I am going back with my wife next summer.

A: I hope you can have a good time.











【4】由答语Yes, I was.可知,前面的问句是以were开头的一般疑问句。故选D。

【5】由答语Yes, I do.可知,前面的问句是以助动词do开头的。故选G。


【题目】 Last month, a common graduation ceremony(毕业典礼) was held in Tianjin University, but it received much attention. Xue Minxiu, born in 1937, graduated with excellent grades after working hard for 4 years.

Going to a university has always been a dream for Xue. But_for_some_reasons,_she_didn't_have_the_chance_when_she_was_young. Even so, she never forgot her dream. In 2014, she was accepted by Tianjin University and finally her dream came true. Since then, Xue has been a model for the people around her. She got up at 5 o'clock every morning. Then she studied for a while before brushing teeth and having breakfast. Her room was filled with books and newspapers. Wherever she went, she would take books with her.

In fact, for her age, Xue had many difficulties during the four years. But nothing could stop her. Whenever she had problems, she would either solve them by herself or ask teachers for help. Through her hard work, she passed the exams and was named “a star student” during the first period of her college life.

“I think the true meaning of our lives is to challenge and improve ourselves whether we are old or young.” Xue said at the graduation ceremony. “For me, learning something I enjoy is a lifelong journey. I want to thank Tianjin University for giving me the chance to achieve my dream. Our lifetime is short, so we should make good use of it.”

12题完成句子; 3题简略回答问题; 4题用英语简要概括出本文的主旨大意; 5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。

1Xue's dream of ________________ finally came true through her hard work.

2Xue was named “a start student” during________________ of her college life.

3What is the true meaning of our lives in Xue's opinion?


4This passage is mainly about _________________________


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