【题目】河南省位于四大地理区域中的( )
A. 北方地区 B. 南方地区C.西北地区 D.青藏地区
A. 夜来风雨声,花落知多少 B. 明天大风降温
C. 东边日出西边雨 D. 一山有四季,十里不同天
【题目】读我国四大地理区域图,回答问题。(1)A、B两区域的分界线与我国1月℃等温线大体吻合。(2)A、B两区域发展农业的优势气候条件是。(3)C区域气候干旱,农业以为主,该区域生产的瓜果特别甜的原因是。(4)下列景观图与所在地区对应正确的是: (5)那曲与南京所处的纬度大体相当,但7月份平均气温那曲比南京低20℃,原因是。(6)家住北京的莹莹暑假乘火车去香港旅游,她乘坐铁路线的火车一路南下。到达目的地后,莹莹将沿途曾看到的景观边回忆边整理。下面是她整理的记录:“①…绿油油的麦田一望无际;②…金碧辉煌的布达拉宫;③…雪山连绵,牦牛成群;④…鱼米之乡,河网密布。”你认为她的记录中可信的是(填序号)
【题目】受地势影响,亚洲河流( )
A. 呈放射状流向周边海洋 B. 呈环状围绕着青藏高原
C. 呈放射状从四周流向中心 D. 由东向西流
(1)A省区的主体民族是 。
(2)B是 (地形区的名称),判断依据是 。
(3)图中流经C地形区的河流干流典型的水文特征是 。
(4)C地形区最突出的生态问题是 ,分析其对本区和下游地区造成的危害 是 。
【题目】我国最早迎来黎明的地方是( )
A.0°和180°之间 B.20°E和160°W之间
C.20°W以西到160°E D.20°W以东到160°E
A.600米 B.3666米 C.200米 D.2000米
Do you still remember the great snacks in your childhood? Do they remind you of your happy childhood?
In the old days,you could always find people making sugar figures at the school gate.First,the maker would take a little maltose(麦芽糖) with a small spoon,using his hands to make a figure,such as the Monkey King,the White Dragonet,and so on.It was not expensive,only 1 yuan for one.If one child bought a sugar figure,many other children would crowd around and admire it.
Almost every kid is fond of bubble gum.They often gather together to see who gets the largest bubble.I still remember my cousin once blew a big bubble and then it broke,covering her face with gum! It was cheap.I could get 2 for one yuan.
We prefer to call it snowman ice cream.It tastes very delicious.It was rather expensive;I remember the price was 2 yuan for each piece,which was not easy for me to buy them those days.Each time I got one,the happiness would last for several days.
Malt Sugar Candy is usually called Tangguar in northern China,and is offered during the days just before the Spring Festival.It's delicious but cheap,and you could get five pieces for 1 yuan.My friends and I would get together to enjoy Tangguar.What happy time!
【1】A child who wants a cartoon character should choose________.
A. Sugar Figure B. Dada Bubble Gum
C. Baby Face Ice Cream D. Malt Sugar Candy
【2】If you had 10 yuan,you could buy________.
A. 20 sugar figures B. 10 dada bubble gums
C. 5 pieces of baby face ice cream D. 25 pieces of Tangguar
【3】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. People made sugar figures mainly for boys.
B. Children usually enjoy blowing bubbles together.
C. The writer used to eat lots of baby face ice cream.
D. You can buy Malt Sugar Candy at any time.
【4】From the passage we can know ________.
A. the writer was very rich B. the writer was very poor
C. her parents didn't like her D. all the things were expensive
【5】What is the purpose of the passage?
A. To sell some popular snacks.
B. To tell some funny stories.
C. To remember the poor childhood.
D. To introduce some great snacks.