
【题目】A ten-year-old girl raised over 30,000 pounds for a children's hospice(收容所)in just eight months. What she did was to play her violin to the people who passed by in the street.Madison Glinski from the UK is a very caring girl. She made a New Year's resobution to help poor children last year. She planned 1o try and raise 500 pounds for a local chidren's hospice before Christmas. But since sbe began playing the violin in the street at Easter, she had raised a surprising 32, 520 pounds by the end of the year. She also raised money by selling her own toys.

Madison's mother supported her daughter's idea. She saild, “Madison has a musical talent.She has played the violin since the age of four. I am glad that she has used it to help others. She has special passion (热情)and dedication (奉献)for it.”

It is not the first time for Madison to help others. A few years ago, Madion asked her parents if they could all go to Africa at Christmas to help the children there. She collected toys, shoes, school things and clothes from her friends and neighbors to take to Africa. As soon as the family returned, Madison started to plan for the nex trip.


1How did Madison Glinki raise money for the children's hospice?


2Who supported her idea in her family?


3How long has she played the violin?


4What did she do to help the children in Africa a few years ago?


5What do you think of Madison Glinski?



1She raised money by playing the violin in the street and selling her own toys. /She played her violin (to the people who passed by in the street) and sold her own toys.

2Her mother supported her idea.

3She has played the violin since the age of four./She has played the violin for 6 years.

4She collcted toys,shoes,school things and clothes from her friends and neighbors to take to Africa.

5She is a very caring kind,helpful girl.

【解析】本文主要内容:一个10岁的女孩在短短8个月内就为一家儿童临终关怀医院筹集了3万英镑。他能做的是对街头经过的路人拉小提琴。来自英国的麦迪逊·杰林斯基是一个有爱心的姑娘。去年他做了新年决心去帮助穷孩子。麦迪逊最开始的目标在圣诞节来临之前为当地儿童医院筹集500英镑但是自复活节在大街上拉小提琴以来,她已经为西南儿童临终关怀医院筹款超过3.2万英镑。她也拍卖她自己的玩具来筹款。麦迪逊的母亲支持她的女儿想法。她说:“麦迪逊有音乐天赋,麦迪逊4岁就开始拉小提琴,并利用这种天赋来帮助他人。” “她对此很有热情,也很有奉献精神。”这并不是麦迪逊第一次奉献自己的爱心。麦迪逊一家总是会在圣诞节时外出旅游,但在几年前,麦迪逊问父母能不能一起去非洲,帮助那里的孩子们。麦迪逊从朋友、邻居那里收集玩具、鞋、衣服和文具,把它们都带去了非洲。回到英国后,麦迪逊又开始计划下一次的旅行。

1题意:Madison Glinki如何筹集儿童救济院的钱吗?考查细节理解。根据第一段倒数二句But since she began playing the violin in the street at Easter, she had raised a surprising 32, 520 pounds by the end of the year. She also raised money by selling her own toys.可知Madison Glinki是通过拉小提琴和卖自己的玩具筹钱的,故答案是She raised money by playing the violin in the street and selling her own toys. /She played her violin (to the people who passed by in the street) and sold her own toys.

2题意:在家里谁支持她的想法?考查细节理解。根据第二段第一句Madison's mother supported her daughter's idea.可知Madison的妈妈支持她。故答案是Her mother supported her idea.

3题意:她拉小提琴多久了?考查细节理解。根据第二段中她妈妈说的第二句She has played the violin since the age of four.(她从四岁起就了。)和第一段第一句A ten-year-old girl(一个十岁的女孩)可知她拉小提琴六年了。故答案是She has played the violin since the age of four./She has played the violin for 6 years.

4题意:几年前她做了什么来帮助非洲的孩子们?考查细节理解。根据第三段第三句She collected toys, shoes, school things and clothes from her friends and neighbors to take to Africa.(她从她的朋友和邻居那里收集玩具、鞋子、学习用品和衣服带到非洲。)结合题意可知答案是She collcted toys,shoes,school things and clothes from her friends and neighbors to take to Africa.

5题意:你觉得Madison Glinski如何?考查主旨理解。本文主要讲述了一个十岁的叫Madison Glinski女孩,有音乐天赋,四岁学习拉小提琴,帮助儿童救济院的孩子,帮助非洲的孩子。我们可以知道她是一个有同情心,善良,乐于助人还有音乐天赋的女孩子。可知答案是She is a very caring, kind and helpful girl.(She is caring, kind and helpful ,and she has a musical talent.)


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