
【题目】Once a man lost his umbrella.He put an advertisement in the newspaper, but without ______.So one day he came to one of his friends, a merchant (商人), for ______.His friend asked him ______ he had written the advertisement.The man gave it to him, “Lost at the London Church a black umbrella.Whoever finds it and returns it will ______ ten pounds.” His friend had put a great number of advertisements in newspapers because of his business (生意).He thought the style of writing was of great ______.So he helped him to write in another ______.The next day, this advertisement appeared in the newspaper: “If the man who was seen to ______ an umbrella from the London Church doesn’t want to get into trouble, he ______ return it to No.20 Broad Street.”

The next morning, the man was very surprised to see in front of the door ______ twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colors.His umbrella was also among them.Many of them had notes, which said they had been taken by ______ and asked the man not to say anything about the umbrella.

1A. use B. news C. result D. umbrella

2A. newspaper B. advertisement C. information D. help

3A. how B. why C. when D. what

4A. accept B. receive C. find D. cost

5A. interest B. value C. use D. importance

6A. saying B. newspaper C. language D. way

7A. find B. rob C. bring D. take

8A. shall B. may C. will D. ought

9A. at least B. at most C. no more than D. not more than

10A. choice B. mistake C. accident D. chance














1句意:他在报纸上登广告,但没有结果。考查名词辨析。A. use使用;B. news新闻;C. result结果;D. umbrella伞。根据上文He put an advertisement in the newspaperbut在报纸上登了个广告,but转折,应该是没有结果,故选择C

2句意:于是有一天,他来到一个商人朋友那里寻求帮助。考查名词辨析。A. newspaper 报纸;B. advertisement广告;C. information信息;D. help帮助。根据上文没有结果,应该是去商人朋友那里是寻求帮助的,故选择D

3句意:他的朋友问他广告是怎么写的。考查疑问词辨析。A. how怎样;B. why为什么; C. when 什么时候;D. what什么。根据句子:His friend asked him23…he had written the advertisement. 他的朋友应该是问他广告是怎么写的,故选A

4句意:找到并归还的人将得到10英磅的报酬。考查动词辨析。A. accept接受;B. receive收到;C. find 发现;D. cost花费,值……。根据句子:Anyone who finds it and returns it will 24)…ten pounds.应该是谁发现了,就会得到10英磅的报酬,故选择B

5句意:他认为写作风格很重要。考查名词辨析。A. interest兴趣;B. value价值;C. use使用;D. importance重要性。根据句子:His friend had put a great number of advertisements in newspapers because of his business(生意). He thought the style of writing was of great____. 他的朋友因为他的生意在报纸上写了大量的广告,他认为写作的风格是相当的 _____。应该是重要,故选择D

6句意:所以他帮助他用另一种方式写作。考查名词辨析。A. saying说;B. newspaper 报纸;C. language 语言;D. way方式。根据前面句子:他认为写作的风格是相当的重要。So he helped him to write in another_____,应该是用另一种方法来写,故选择D

7句意:如果那个被看见从伦敦教堂拿伞的人不想惹上麻烦,他会把伞还给20号大街。考查动词辨析。A. find发现;B. rob抢劫;C. bring带来;D. take拿。根据语境"If the man who was seen to ___ an umbrella from the London Church doesn't want to get into trouble,应该是那个被看见从伦敦教堂拿伞的人不想惹上麻烦,故选择D

8句意:如果那个被看见从伦敦教堂拿伞的人不想惹上麻烦,他会把伞还给20号大街。A. shall应该,一般用于第一人称;B. may可以;C. will将会,用于第二或第三人称;D. ought是“应该”的意思,后面要带to,语气比should强。本题的主语是He,因此用will

9句意:第二天早上,他很惊讶地看到门前至少有十二把各种尺寸和颜色的雨伞。考查副词词义辨析。A. at least 至少;B. at most最多,至多;C. no more than不超过;D. not more than至多。根据题干:the man was very surprised to see in front of the door ______ ten umbrellas of all sizes and colors.可知,应该是至少12把,故选择A

10句意:他们中的许多人都有便条,便条上写着他们是错拿的,并要求那个人不要说任何关于雨伞的事。考查名词词义辨析。A. choice选择;B. mistake错误;C. accident事故;D. chance机会。根据题干:which said they had been taken by 30mistake and asked the man not to say anything about the umbrella.结合全文应该是错拿了伞,故选择B

完形填空题与单项选择题不同,它给出的是一篇意思较为完整的短文。做该题型试题时,首先应跳过空格通读全文,以全文为背景,联系句子的上下文进行推理和判断,从4个选项中选出一项进行试填。考生可以从词义用法、固定搭配、逻辑推理和上下文的联系等方面去考虑。最后应再把全文通览一遍,细心检查所选答案能否使短文上下连贯,前后呼应,词句通顺,使短文意思完整。检查时还应从语法、惯用法、逻辑推理和事情发生的情节等方面进行考虑,以达到准确无误之目的。第2小题是考查名词辨析,要结合上下文做出准确判断,句意:于是有一天,他来到一个商人朋友那里寻求帮助。考查名词辨析。A. newspaper 报纸;B. advertisement广告;C. information信息;D. help帮助。根据上文没有结果,应该是去商人朋友那里是寻求帮助的,故选择D。第7小题是考查动词辨析,要结合上下文做出准确判断,句意:如果那个被看见从伦敦教堂拿伞的人不想惹上麻烦,他会把伞还给20号大街。考查动词辨析。A. find发现;B. rob抢劫;C. bring带来;D. take拿。根据语境"If the man who was seen to ___ an umbrella from the London Church doesn't want to get into trouble,应该是那个被看见从伦敦教堂拿伞的人不想惹上麻烦,故选择D


【题目】A robot is a special kind of machine. It is a machine that can follow instructions(命令). ____ it is a machine,it seldom makes mistakes or gets tired. And it ____ complains(抱怨),unless you tell it to!

Robots are around us. Some robots are used to ____ things. For example,robots can help make cars. Some robots are used to explore(勘察)dangerous places. Some robots can help clean your house. Some robots can even ____ human languages. They can be used to help answer telephone calls. Some robots look like ____,but most robots do not. They just look like machines.

Long ago,people imagined ____.Over 2,000 years ago,Homer,a famous poet(诗人),imagined robots. His robots were made of gold,but they were not ____.Nobody was able to make a real robot at that time. The ____ real robot was made in 1961.It was called Unimate.

In the future,we will have even more robots. They will do things that we can't do,or that we don't want to do,or that are too ____ for us. For example,robots will help us fight fires and illnesses and ____ things. They will help make our life better.

1A. Although B. If C. Because D. So

2A. often B. never C. sometimes D. ever

3A. move B. find C. get D. make

4A. believe B. understand C. waste D. forget

5A. humans B. plants C. cars D. planes

6A. god B. space C. robots D. stars

7A. strong B. smart C. good D. real

8A. next B. other C. first D. last

9A. dangerous B. easy C. comfortable D. strange

10A. change B. discover C. give D. eat

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