


You ______ _______!


You can’t______ _______!


I ______ think it ______ a good idea.


You ______ wait ______ him here.


We _______ _______ the school rules.


1 are kidding

2 be serious

3 don’t is

4 needn’t for

5 must obey


1你在开玩笑吧!根据You are kidding!故填(1). are (2). kidding

2你不是认真的吧!根据serious严肃的,形容词,做表语;故填(1). be (2). serious

3我觉得那不是个好主意。根据认为---不怎样时,要否定转移,否定think;故填(1). don’t (2). is

4你不必在这里等他。根据need 需要,情态动词,后面直接加not,根据wait for等待;故填(1). needn’t (2). for

5我们必须遵守校规。根据must必须,情态动词,后用动词原形;故填(1). must (2). obey


【题目】There are five children talking about the seasons.


I like winter because I live in Israel. In winter it's rather warm and sometimes gets even close to 30°C, but never as hot and wet as in summer.


Summer is the best,by far. I like the heat,the beach and the sunshine. I spend lots of time outdoors in summer. Winter is the worst, I think, as there is nothing good but cold.


Any season is okay but winter. I hate cold; I bate snow; and I really hate having to wear a coat. In winter everything is white and gray. I miss the green.


In spring, temperatures are nice. I'm excited to fish because the winter is gone. I also like summer because I can go swimming in my big pool. And baseball season starts. All of us will have a good time for this wonderful game.


Summer is too hot and winter is too cold. Spring is okay but we get some storms. So autumn is my favourite season. It has warm days and cool nights. The leaves are turning to very beautiful colours; the squirrels are running, trying to gather up all of the nuts; apples are fresh.

1Simon's favourite season is________ .

A. spring B. summer

C. autumn D. winter

2 doesn't like winter.

A. Daniel and Sandy B. Simon and sandy

C. Simon and Peter D. Simon and Peter

3Amy likes in spring.

A. going swimming B. flying kites

C. going fishing D. playing baseball

4Peter thinks that__________.

A. autumn is a nice season B. there is too much rain in autumn

C. it snows a lot in winter D. squirrels like fresh apples

5Which one is TRUE?

A. Daniel doesn't like the hot weather. B. It is not cold in winter in Israel.

C. Sandy hasn't seen the snow. D. The five children live in the same city.

【题目】The world outdoors is full of secrets. They are so attractive(有吸引力) that quite a lot of people are busy_______them. All_______us are birds, animals, trees and flowers. The facts about how they live and grow are as interesting as anything could be.

Do you know that one of the great presidents of the USA spent hours and hours studying birds? A businessman lives near New York City, he became so interested in insects(昆虫) that he began to_______them. He now has over one thousand different kinds carefully kept in glass boxes.

Come on with me, and I will help you find some of_______secrets. Let's go quickly_______ the woods and fields. Here we shall find how a rabbit_________the other rabbits that there is danger(危险). We shall follow a mother bear() and her young ones as they look for food and get ready for their long winter_________. We shall watch bees(蜜蜂) dancing in air to let the other bees know where they can find food. I will show you many other_______things, but the best thing that I can teach you is to keep your eyes_________when you go out. Nature(大自然) tells her secrets only to people who look and listen__________.

1A. looking for B. keeping C. studying D. finding

2A. about B. around C. among D. besides

3A. kill B. catch C. collect D. keep

4A. flower's B. animal's C. bird's D. nature's

5A. through B. over C. into D. in

6A. says B. tells C. asks D. speaks

7A. rest B. trip C. holiday D. sleep

8A. surprising B. interested C. excited D. beautiful

9A. open B. closed C. listening D. small

10A. happily B. clearly C. quickly D. carefully

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