


A. 地形类型多样,山区面积广大 B. 地形类型多样,平原面积广大

C. 山地主要分布在中东部 D. 高原占比较大,有利于耕作业发展


A. 有利于海洋湿润气流深入内陆,形成降水

B. 阶梯交界处,河面落差大,水能资源丰富

C. 河流的流向有利于加强沿海与内陆的联系

D. 阶梯交界处高大的山脉有利于交通的发展





1 根据中国各类地形面积比例图判断,我国地形类型多样,山区面积广大。

2 我国地势西高东低,呈三级阶梯状分布,该地势对我国气候所产生的影响是有利于海洋上的暖湿气流深入我国内陆,形成丰沛的降水;对河流的影响是使大部分河流滚滚东流,沟通了东西交通,有利于加强沿海与内陆的联系;阶梯与阶梯交界处,河流落差大,蕴藏有丰富的水能.而阶梯交界处高大的山脉,阻碍了交通的发展。故选D。


【题目】Einstein often received invitations to explain his theories at different universities. On these trips, his driver was always the same man called Hans. Hans often said to him. “It is a pleasure to drive a talent like you, Dr Einstein.”

One evening, on their way to a university, Einstein said, “I’m so tired. I wish I could refuse to give my lecture(讲座) tonight, Hans, but I don’t want to let my audience down.”

“I know what to do,” said Hans. “I can give the lecture for you. You can trust me. I’ve listened to your lecture so many times that I’ve learnt it by heart. No one knows you at this university, so they won’t find out.”

So, they changed places. At the university, Hans was guided to the front of the hall. Einstein took a seat, listened to Hans give his lecture without difficulty, and joined in the applause (掌声) at the end.

However, before Hans left, a man shouted, “I’d like to ask you a question.” He then asked a difficult question and Hans had no idea what he was talking about.

Einstein turned pale. “Oh no! ,” he thought. “Now we’re in trouble.” But Hans just laughed and said, “That’s such an easy question that even my driver can answer it. Hans, please…”

Einstein stood up and answered the question perfectly.

They left the university, with Einstein driving. A little later, Hans offered to drive. “No, ” laughed Einstein. “It’s a pleasure to drive a talent like you, Hans.”

1Which of the following is the most suitable for “ ”?

A. Lies have short legs

B. Rome was not built in a day

C. A miss is as good as a mile

D. Life is not all roses

2Just as the mind map, the story can be divided into five parts: opening, rising action, turning point, falling action and ending. Which do you think is the turning point of it?

A. Einstein answered the question perfectly.

B. A man asked a difficult question.

C. Hans offered to give a lecture for Einstein.

D. Hans asked Einstein to answer the question.

3What would be the best title for this story?

A. Great Minds B. An unforgettable Lecture

C. Two Talents D. An Easy Question

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