

Growing up, I wanted to be just like my mom. She was kind. People always seemed to feel comfortable in her presence. For years, she was a volunteer in our community. I loved going to the local nursing home with her where she taught a ceramic class.

On one summer day, Mama told me to get changed and meet her at the car.

I had planned to spend the day at the lake with friends. Why did she have to ruin everything? I imagined the cool lake water. Irritated, I climbed into the car and slammed the door shut. We sat in silence. I was too upset to make conversation.

Tasha, would you like to know where we are going? Mama asked calmly.

No, I said.

We are going to volunteer at a children’s shelter today. I have been there before and I think it would benefit you, she explained.

When we reached the shelter, Mama rang the doorbell. Moments later, we were greeted by a woman. She led us to the front room where all of the children were playing. I noticed a baby whose body was scarred with iron marks. I was told it was because she wouldn’t stop crying. The majority of the children had noticeable physical scars. Others hid their emotional wounds.

As I took in my surroundings, I felt a gentle tug on my shirt. I looked down to see a little girl looking up at me. Hi. You want to play dolls with me? she asked. I looked over at Mama for reinforcement. She smiled and nodded. I turned back and said, Sure. Her tiny hand reached up and held mine, as if to comfort me.

My mom taught me a valuable lesson that summer. I returned to the shelter with her several times. During those visits, some of the children shared their troubled pasts with me and I learned to be grateful for what I had. Today as I strive to instill(逐渐灌输) these values in my own child, I reflect back to that experience. It was a time that I will never forget.

【1】The author admired her mom for ________.

A. her kindness to others B. her excellent teaching

C. her quality of honesty D. her positive attitude to life

【2】According to Paragraph 3, when she was asked to go out with her mom, the author was ________.

A. excited B. angry C. surprised D. worried

【3】From the passage we learn most children in the shelter ________.

A. were often punished by staff B. weren’t allowed to go outside

C. were once treated badly D. all suffered from mental illness

【4】The underlined word reinforcement in the passage is closest in meaning to ________.

A. truth B. help C. comfort D. support

【5】 What lesson did the author learn from her experience?

A. To value what you take for granted. B. To play with children is fun.

C. To love others is to love yourself. D. To do as what your parents do.









【1】 细节理解从第一段的句子:She was kind. People always seemed to feel comfortable in her presence.可知作者敬佩妈妈是因为妈妈对别人很善良。选A

【2】 推理判断从第三段的句子:Why did she have to ruin everything? I imagined the cool lake water. Irritated, I climbed into the car and slammed the door shut.可知作者很生气。选B

【3】 细节理解从第七段的句子:The majority of the children had noticeable physical scars. Others hid their emotional wounds.可知避难所,里面的孩子过去是受虐待的。选C

【4】 词义猜测我抬头看妈妈寻求支持。选D

【5】 主旨大意从文章最后的一段:I learned to be grateful for what I had.可知妈妈教我要对自己拥有的东西感激。选A



Before the elevator was invented in the late 1800s, buildings were much smaller and lower, as people did not want to walk up and down stairs(楼梯) all day. With the invention of the elevator came high-rise buildings and skyscrapers.

Some people find elevators make them a little uncomfortable because there are many people all standing close in a small room. It is best just to relax and enjoy the ride.

When the elevator doors open, stand aside and let everyone out before you try to get in. Even if you are in a hurry, it’s impolite to push someone so that you can get into an elevator.

Don’t stare at(盯着看) people or stand too close. Try to keep your eyes looking ahead or you could make others feel nervous or uncomfortable.

If you have to move past people to get out of the elevator, sayExcuse me, pleaseorI’m sorryrather than just push them out of the way. Others will think you’re welcome if you show some politeness.

If you are standing close to the buttons(按钮), ask others what floors they are going to and press the buttons for them. This is considered to be polite.

In case of emergency(紧急情况), follow the instructions written inside the elevator and try to keep others calm.

【1】 The elevator was invented ________.

A. in 1800 B. in 1899 C. in the 18th century D. in the 19th century

【2】Before the elevator was invened, buildings were ________.

A. big enough B. tall enough C. low and small D. huge but low

【3】The underlined word skyscrapers means ________ in Chinese.

A. 天窗 B. 摩天大楼 C. 天桥 D. 冲天火箭

【4】According to the passage, if you stare at someone in an elevator, he or she may feel ________.

A. uncomfortable B. angry C. strange D. calm

【5】If you have an emergency in an elevator, you should ________.

A. cry for help loudly B. knock on the door loudly

C. follow the elevator instructions D. call the police for help

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