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On Lunar New Year¡¯s Eve on Feb 18, 2015, Beijing had a good day. PM2. 5 levels were below 50. However, the nice day ended with firework celebrations at night.

In the first hour after the start of the celebration, PM2. 5 levels rose to 500 in certain parts of the city, with the average across the city around 400.

According to the China National Environmental Monitoring Center, on Lunar New Year¡¯s Day, air pollution reached £¢dangerous levels£¢ in 201 Chinese cities, because of fireworks, with more than 40 of them seeing £¢serious pollution£¢. As a result, the debate on whether to ban (½ûÖ¹) fireworks during the Spring Festival is also heating up.

Sina surveyed 3,000 Internet users, and results show that only 38 percent of the people support setting off fireworks, and 60 percent are against it.

£¢I support a ban on fireworks,£¢ a netizen (ÍøÃñ) nicknamed ann019 said. £¢Lighting fireworks can only bring problems: air pollution, disturbing sleep, causing fire and exhausting sanitation workers (»·ÎÀ¹¤ÈË). £¢

Others thought it to be hard to ban traditions, and lighting fireworks during holiday seasons won¡¯t cause lasting pollution.

Some, however, suggest a moderate (κ͵Ä) way to solve the problem.

£¢As a tradition, fireworks absolutely add to the festival¡¯s happiness. They shouldn¡¯t be banned totally,£¢ commented netizen Tracy on the China Daily online forum (ÂÛ̳). £¢But the time /span>should be reduced. For example, it can be allowed just during New Year¡¯s Eve, the first day of the Lunar New Year and the Lantern Festival. £¢

¡¾1¡¿___________________ caused serious air pollution on Lunar New Year¡¯s Eve.

A. The factories B. The cars

C. The fireworks D. The bad weather

¡¾2¡¿ ___________________ cities saw serious air pollution on Lunar New Year¡¯s Day.

A. 201 B. More than 40

C. Around 400 D. 500

¡¾3¡¿According to Sina¡¯s survey, over half of the Internet users ___________________ setting off fireworks.

A. are against B. enjoy

C. support D. don¡¯t care about

¡¾4¡¿___________________ was not mentioned by the netizen nicknamed ann019.

A. Exhausting sanitation workers B. Disturbing sleep

C. Wasting money D. Causing fire

¡¾5¡¿According to the passage, we know ___________________ is a moderate way to solve the problem.

A. to ban fireworks totally

B. to reduce the time of setting off fireworks

C. to get more people to set off fireworks

D. to never change the tradition

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
