
【题目】—Miss Huang’s class is very interesting.


A. Excuse me B. That’s for sure.

C. You’re welcome D. Sounds great


【解析】考查情景对话。句意: ——黄老师的课非常有趣。——那是肯定的。Excuse me打扰一下;That’s for sure那是肯定的;You’re welcome不客气;Sounds great.听起来很棒。根据对话的意思可知选B。




On a snowy evening, Miss Grant was standing by the road. She was very worried. Her 21 had broken down. Just then a poor man named Dave walked by. He was on his way back home from work.

Miss Grant wondered, "Is the man going to help me? He looks very cold and 22 ." But to her surprise, he stopped and said with a smile, "Whats wrong, madam?" Miss Grant told him what was happening.

After forty minutes, Dave was able to fix the car. Miss Grant wanted to pay him.

"No, its 23 , madam," he said, "I was just helping someone in trouble. If you really want to pay me back, I hope whenever you see someone in 24 , please give him a hand.

A few minutes later, Miss Grant saw a shabby(破旧的) house by the road. She remembered Daves words, 25 she stopped. A woman warmly invited her in. Miss Grant could see that it was a 26 family and they needed help. When the woman was making tea in the kitchen, Miss Grant left 500 dollars on the table and went away 27 .

Dave came home later than before, thinking how hard their life was. Their baby was to be born the next month but there wasnt enough 28 . His wife went up to him, gave him a kiss and said softly, "Dont worry, my dear! Everythings going to be all right. A stranger has 29 us out."

Lets always be ready to help others because helping others is helping 30 .

【1】A. bike B. car C. bus D. computer

【2】A. heavy B. helpful C. excited D. hungry

【3】A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

【4】A. need B. help C. surprise D. rush

【5】A. because B. but C. so D. though

【6】A. happy B. poor C. big D. rich

【7】A. quietly B. easily C. luckily D. mainly

【8】A. time B. water C. money D. work

【9】A. taken B. helped C. put D. found

【10】A. myself B. himself C. ourselves D. themselves


I decided to meet my sponsored(被资助的) child, 12-year-old Natacha Etienne. She survived(幸存) the earthquake in Haiti. After a two-hour drive, I found myself in a beautiful place where Natachas family live.

When I first saw Natacha, waiting in her best clothes, I felt like giving her a hug(拥抱), but I didnt. She had never seen me before. With half of the villagers gathering to look at me, Natacha stood back, silent and shy.

When I pulled out photos, hand-written messages and drawings Id received from Natacha, her shyness was gone and she began to talk to me. Her parents greeted me warm hugs and nervous smiles.

Her parents thanked me repeatedly for coming. Her father opened some drinks, and we drank and talked. I learnt that their only plan was to get all their eight children educated, so they could get a chance to leave Haiti.You are like another mother for Natacha, they said. You pay her education and we are really thankful to you.

I took part in the sponsor activity, hoping it could help children like Natacha have a chance to go to school. I believe my little contribution (捐助) will change their lives. Now I realize that writing letters and sending photos are of great importance to Natacha, because they are all small gifts sent with great love.

Information Card

The luckiest thing for Natacha

She is still alive after 1. ____________.

What Natacha did when the writer first saw her

She 2. ____________.

The things that Natacha sent to the writer

3. ___________.

What Natachas parents greeted the writer with

With 4. ____________.

What chance Natachas parents hoped their kids could get

A chance to 5. ____________.

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