

1How’s the__________(天气)in Toronto?

2It’s__________(下雨).I can’t go out to play.I feel bored.

3It’s__________(阴天).It’s going to rain.

4It’s__________(下雪)outside.I want to make a snowman.

5It’s a__________(阳光充足的)day.The sun is shining.

6Can I take a_________(信息)for him?

7The radio says i‘t will be__________(多风的)tomorrow.












3句意:阴天了,要下雨了。cloud云,是一个名词。空前It’sIt is 的缩写,因此这个空应填形容词,在句中做表语,故应填cloudy,多云的,阴天的。



6句意:我能给他捎一个口信吗?message消息,信息,是一个可数名词,这里take a message是固定短语,捎口信。





On a snowy evening, Miss Grant was standing by the road. She was very worried. Her 1 had broken down. Just then a poor man named Dave walked by. He was on his way back home from work.

Miss Grant wondered, "Is the man going to help me? He looks very cold and 2 ." But to her surprise, he stopped and said with a smile, "Whats wrong, madam?" Miss Grant told him what was happening.

After forty minutes, Dave was able to fix the car. Miss Grant wanted to pay him.

"No, its 3 , madam," he said, "I was just helping someone in trouble. If you really want to pay me back, I hope whenever you see someone in 4 , please give him a hand.

A few minutes later, Miss Grant saw a shabby(破旧的) house by the road. She remembered Daves words, 5 she stopped. A woman warmly invited her in. Miss Grant could see that it was a 6 family and they needed help. When the woman was making tea in the kitchen, Miss Grant left 500 dollars on the table and went away 7 .

Dave came home later than before, thinking how hard their life was. Their baby was to be born the next month but there wasnt enough 8 . His wife went up to him, gave him a kiss and said softly, "Dont worry, my dear! Everythings going to be all right. A stranger has 9 us out."

Lets alwys be ready to help others because helping others is helping 10 .

【1】A. bike B. car C. bus D. computer

【2】A. heavy B. helpful C. excited D. hungry

【3】A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

【4】A. need B. help C. surprise D. rush

【5】A. because B. but C. so D. though

【6】A. happy B. poor C. big D. rich

【7】A. quietly B. easily C. luckily D. mainly

【8】A. time B. water C. money D. work

【9】A. taken B. helped C. put D. found

【10】 A. myself B. himself C. ourselves D. themselves

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