

Jack Green is 75 years old. He is not in a good condition. "I think I’m ill," he tells his wife, "I feel bad. I’ve got a headache and I don’t feel like eating."

"You’ve put on a lot of weight recently. You should see the doctor," his wife says, "ask him how to lose weight. It’s not good for your breath."

"OK." says Jack. He goes to see a doctor.

The doctor checks his heart and weighs him. Then he says, "You are too heavy. You need to do some exercise to lose about 30 kilograms. Run two miles a day for the next 100 days. Then call and tell me your weight."

A week later, the doctor receives a call from Jack. "Doctor, I ran two miles every day and I feel much better. But I have a new problem."

"What’s the matter?" asks the doctor.

"I’m 14 miles away from home, and I can’t find my way back."


【1】 Why does Jack feel bad?

A. Because he is in good condition. B. Because he has a headache.

C. Because he feels like eating. D. Because he works hard.

【2】Who suggests that Jack should see a doctor?

A. His wife. B. His son. C. His daughter. D. His mother.

【3】According to the doctor, how many kilograms should Jack lose?

A. Thirteen. B. A hundred. C. Thirty. D. Fourteen.

【4】What’s Jack’s new problem?

A. He forgets how many miles to run. B. He can’t find his way back home.

C. He runs for such a long time. D. He losesa lot of weight.

【5】The passage is probably from a ________.

A. letter B. poster C. report D. storybook







【5】 35. D【解析】推理判断题。本文讲述的是杰克锻炼减肥的故事。故选D。



Better Time for Teenagers to Keep Healthy

Things to do

Brushing teeth

Drinking milk

Going to bed

Eating fruits

Common time

After getting up or before sleeping

During breakfast

Around 23:00

After meals

Time from experts’ suggestions

3 minutes after meals

Before sleeping

Around 21:00

An hour before meals


To reduce germs(细菌)in the mouth

To keep bones strong and help sleep well

To be good for a deep sleep

To keep the body strong

Warm tips

Brush the tongue while brushing teeth

Avoid drinking it when having a stomach-ache

Sleep for at least 8 hours every night

Wash carefully before eating them


【1】Teenagers are used to drinking milk__________ according to the information above.

A. before sleeping B. during breakfast

C.3 minutes after meals D. around 21:00

【2】Teenagers often go to bed _______hour(s) later than the time the experts suggest.

A. one B. two C. three D. four

【3】 ________ and ________ are helpful to keep teenagers strong according to the information above.

A. Drinking milk; eating fruits B. Going to bed; brushing teeth

C. Eating fruits; reducing germs D. Drinking milk; brushing teeth

【4】If a teenager goes to bed at the time based on the experts’ suggestion, the earliest time for him to get up will be_________ in the morning.

A. 5:00 B. 6:00 C. 7:00 D. 8:00

【5】 Which of the following is TRUE according to the information above?

A. Some experts suggest washing fruits carelessly an hour before meals.

B. To brush the tongue after meals is good for a deep sleep.

C. People should sleep for at least 9 hours every night.

D. Teenagers with a stomachache had better avoid drinking milk.

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