

1Grace has ever visited the water park.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

________Grace________ ________the water park?


2They have owned the house since they came to the town.(对画线部分提问)

________ _______ _______they_________the house?

3Julia has a skirt.She bought it three weeks ago.(合并为一句)

Julia________ ________her skirt ________ three weeks.

4David knows Cindy.He knew her ten years ago.(合并为一句)

David________ _______Cindy________ ten years ago.

5I work in the supermarket.I started working in the supermarket when I was 18.(合并为一句)

I________ ________in the supermarket_________I was 18.


1Hasevervisitedshe hasn't


3has hadfor




1句意:格雷斯曾经参观过水上公园现在完成时态的一般疑问句是把助动词have/has提前,肯定回答为Yes, …have/has. 否定回答为No, …haven’t/hasn’t.故答案为 (1). Has (2). ever (3). visited (4). she hasn’t。

2句意:自从他们来到这个城镇里,他们就拥有这所房子。since they came to the town表示的是时间段,对其提问用How long,后跟一般疑问句语序,时态不变,故答案为(1). How (2). long (3). have (4). owned

3句意:朱丽亚有一条裙子,她三周前买的。综合句意可知,朱丽亚这条裙子买了三周了。说明的是现在的情况,用现在完成时态来表达,但buy是短暂性动词,不能与表示一段的时间状语连用,要用其延续性形式have,故答案为(1). has had (2). for

4句意:戴维认识辛蒂,他十年前认识的她。综合句意可知,戴维自从10年前就认识辛蒂,用现在完成时态来表达,故答案为 (1). has (2). known (3). since

5句意:我在超市工作,18岁的时候我就开始在超市工作。综合句意可知,我从18岁起就在超市工作了。用现在完成时态来表达,故答案为(1). have (2). worked (3). since


【题目】When I was young,I liked to play jokes on people I knew,especially on my parents and friends.One day ,my mother was cooking and l was playing with my younger brother Tony.Suddenly I ran to my mother and said,“Tony fell from the open window!”She was very worried and ran out of the kitchen.Then I said,“Don’t worry.I’m just joking.”My mother shouted at me,“If you do it again,I’ll hit you.”

Another day day I went swimming with my friends in the sea.1 wanted to play a joke on them.In the beginning I swam fast and I called out“Help!”All my friends came to help me.However,they found that I was joking.But half an hour later I wasn’t joking.I was so fast,soon I got tired and couldn’t swim on in water.I tried my best to call my friends for help,but this time nobody came to help me.

In the end,they found l was telling the truth.They came and saved my life.They took me to hospital.This is the best lesson in my life.From then on,I haven’t joked on anyone.

1What did the writer like to do as a young man?

A. He liked to play with his brother.

B. He liked to help his mother cook.

C. He liked to play jokes on people.

D. He liked to go swimming with his friends.

2When the writer was playing with his brother,

A. he fell from the open window

B. he played a joke on his mother

C. Tony fell from the open window

D. a fire happened in the kitchen

3Why did all his friends come to help the writer at first?

A. Because he called for help.

B. Because he couldn’t swim fast.

C. Because he would sink in water.

D. Because he couldn’t swim on in water.

4The writer’s friends when he called them for help for the second time.

A. called his parents

B. came and saved him at once

C. did nothing because he had lied to them

D. thought at first he was joking again

5What can we learn from the story?

A. Swimming is dangerous.

B. If someone always tells lies,others won’t trust(信任)him.

C. The writer is a naughty boy.

D. We can play jokes only on people we know.

【题目】Be honest.That’s all you have to do on Honesty Day.It would be great if we were all honest every day of the year.It’s good that there is a day to encourage honesty.M.Hirsh Goldberg started Honesty Day.He chose the last day of April because the first day is April Fool’s Day,which celebrates lies.On Honesty Day,anyone may ask you any question and you should give a true and honest answer.That meams that you have knowledge of Honesty Day.

M.Hirsh Goldberg wrote a book on telling lies.He said in his book that almost all persons lie about 200 times a day.In our daily life,a typical(典型的)lie for a man is“I did not drink that much”and for a woman is“Nothing is wrong.I’m fine.”It is found that nurses are the most honest people.while sales people and politicians(政客)are the biggest liars!

Every Honesty Day,M.Hirsh Goldberg hands out prizes to honest people.

1M.Hirsh Goldberg started Honesty Day to

A. celebrate lies B. encourage honesty

C. ask questions D. hand out prizes

2Which of the following is Honesty Day?

A. April l st. B. April 10th. C. April 20th. D. April 30th.

3M.Hirsh Goldberg’s book is about

A. how to be honest B. when Honesty Day is

C. telling lies D. celebrating Honesty Day

4According to the passage, are the most honest people.

A. nurses B. sales people C. politicians D. all men

5The underlined word“liars”probably means“ ”.

A. 获利者 B. 说谎者 C. 影响者 D. 领导者

【题目】Last summer I spent some time with my mother in Beidaihe.We stayed there from July l5th to August 5th.It is really a wonderful place.It is one of the most famous summer resorts(避暑胜地)in China.The buildings there are tidy,with some trees and flowers around them.It is famous tor its beaches,so lots of tourists from all over the world go there every year.

There are many interesting places,such as the Olympic Park,the Geziwo Park and the Tiger Rock Park.In the Olympic Park,there are some athletes’statues(运动员的雕像)and champions’fingerprints and footprints.Everything in the park is

about Olympics.The Geziwo Park becomes famous because it is one of the best places to watch the sunset(落日).Thousands of people go to watch the sunset every day.People can also see different kinds of birds.

We enjoyed ourselves there.We are hoping for the next holiday.

1How long did the writer stay in Beidaihe?

A. A month. B. 15 days. C. 21 days. D. 25 days.

2What is Beidaihe famous for?

A. Tidy buildings. B. The trees and flowers there.

C. Some interesting parks. D. The beaches there,

3How many places are mentioned in Beidaihe?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

4What can’t people see in the Olympic Park?

A. Athletes’statues. B. Athletes’photos,

C. Champions’fingerprints. D. Champions’footprints.

5Why is the Geziwo Park so famous?

A. Because it is the symbol of Beidaihe.

B. Because many people like to go there.

C. Because it is a good place to watch the sunset.

D. Because there are lots of birds.

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