

(5)西气东输工程沿途经过的C地形区的严重生态环境问题是 , 当地的传统民居是

【解析】(1)读图可知,A是香港特别行政区;港澳地区与珠江三角洲地区的合作以“前店后厂”为基本模式。珠江三角洲地区利用丰富的自然资源,众多而廉价的 劳动力等优势条件,扮演“厂”角色。(2)深圳市所在的工业基地凭借对外开放的优惠政策,优越的地理位置等有利条件,大力发展了外向型经济。(3)B台湾省的硅谷是新竹;大陆游客到台湾省旅游,最经济的交通方式是海洋运输;(4)“西气东输”工程是我国距离最长、口径最大的输气管道,该工程将新疆塔里木盆地丰富的能源通过管道运输送到东部地区。(5)C黄土高原土质疏松,植被破坏,土壤裸露,一遇暴雨,水土流失严重,因此黄土高原最严重的生态环境问题是水土流失。当地的传统民居是窑洞;(6)我国四大工业基地的名称及特点是:沪宁杭是全国最大的综合性工业基地,京津唐是北方最大的综合性工业基地,辽中南以重工业为主的工业基地,珠江三角洲是以轻工业为主的工业基地。



Are you bothered by such a problem that after a long travel, you stink (恶臭) when stepping off the plane? It must make you a bitembarrassed (尴尬的). If there is a machine which can give off some fragrance(香味) in the airport, you can use it to feel relaxed, becausethe fragrance can create some of the best memories we take homefrom our holiday'.

With this in mind, the UK's Heathrow Airport has set a "Scent Globe" to try, to cheer up departing(离开的) passengers with a squirt(喷射) of the good smells when they arrive. The Globe, located in the newly opened Terminal 2, offers smell representing five nations--Brazil, China, Japan, South Africa and Thailand,So what do these countries smell like?

South Africa's fragrance captures the adventure with some tribal (部落的) smell, wild grass and the scent of hyraceum(麝香).

Brazil has the scents of its rich rainforest plants with a cup of coffee, tobacco(烟草) and flowers.

Japan gives off a smell that makes people think of small coastal villages, because it mixes the scent of sea, shell and green tea.

China's has mystical (神秘) temple incense and little certain flower while Thailand's uses an mix of lemon grass and ginger(生姜) that make people want to have a big meal.

1There are kinds of smell in the Globe.

A. five B. four C. six D. seven

2Why does the UK's Heathrow Airport set a "Scent Globe" in the Teminal 2?

A. It shows that British people welcome those who come from other countries.

B. The fragrance can cheer up the passengers who have taken a long journey.

C. It lets people think UK is good at the newest technology.

D. It makes the airport full of good smell.

3Which of the following does NOT have the same meaning as "smelling"?

A. Fragrance. B. Incense. C. Scent. D. Mix.

4What is the function (功能) of the Thailand's smelling?

A. Make you want to eat more. B. Make you fall asleep.

C. Make you feel sad. D. Make you feel excited.

5Which is the best title of this passage?

A. Good smelling. B. The special airport in UK.

C. Scent Globe. D. Travelling problem.

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