
【题目】今年第8号台风莫拉克于2009年8月8日袭击台湾、福建、浙江。持续的暴雨,致部分村镇被淹,多处山体塌方。“莫拉克”带来的超大暴雨重创台湾中南部十余县市。“莫拉克”共造成近九百万人受灾 因灾死亡上百人。给当地造成了重大的生命财产损失。结合材料完成下列各题

1南方地区气候温暖湿润,但是经常遭受台风的袭击,其气候类型主要是(  )

A. 温带季风气候 B. 温带大陆性气候

C. 亚热带季风气候 D. 热带雨林气候

2台湾发生灾害以后,大陆同胞迅速行动起来,向台湾运送了大量的救灾物资,南方地区传统的运输工具是(  )

A. 马车 B. 汽车 C. 船舶 D. 火车








【题目】 Sandy was one of my friends in primary school. But when we were Grade Six, Sandy stopped talking to me one day. And we were not friends from then on. After six years and we were eighteen. But I still didn't know what happened(发生). I hoped we could go back and find out what ended our friendship(友谊).

I had to talk with Sandy. But I didn't think it was a good idea to call her. If she didn't answer the phone, what should I do? Write to her? Yes! I should write her an email. These things were easier(更容易的) to say in writing. I asked her all the questions in my mind, and hoped she would answer.

I sent the email and waited for Sandy's answer. One day passed. I got no answer from Sandy. Did I send the email to a wrong email address(地址)? Two days went by. Still no answer. I was worried that Sandy still didn’t want to talk to me. Then, my mobile phone rang, " Hello? This is Sandy…”

It was Sandy I was so happy that Sandy called me.

1Sandy and the writer made friends in ________.

A.primary schoolB.middle schoolC.high schoolD.Grade Six

2Sandy was _______ years old when she suddenly stopped talking to the writer.


3What did the writer do to get in touch with Sandy?

A.She met Sandy at her school.B.She wrote a letter to Sandy.

C.She wrote an email to Sandy.D.She called Sandy on the phone.

4What do we know about Sandy?

A.She called the writer.B.She wrote an email to the writer.

C.She still didn't want to talk to the writer.D.She didn't give any answer to the writer.

5What is the best title for the passage?

A.A Call from an Old FriendB.How to Make Friends

C.A letter to a FriendD.A Story about My Best Friend

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