
【题目】Do you know what a resolution is? It's a kind of promise. Most of the time, we make promises ________ other people. For example, Mom, I ______ my room when I get back from school. And the most common kind is New Year's resolutions. And do you often make New Year's resolutions?

The New Year is always a time for celebration(庆祝).People celebrate the New Year ______ parties and special dinners. The New Year is also a great ______ to make resolutions. A New Year's resolution is a promise that you make to yourself on the ______ day of the year. It is a new ______of the year.

Next year I am going to______ a long vacation. I'm going to visit my grandparents in New York. And I am going to study______at school than before. I'm not ______at some of my subjects—science,math and history. I am going to ______myself to do better next term. I am going to save(节省) a lot of ______and buy a new bike. And I am going to try ______. It is going to be a great and exciting year. I know I______ and happy next year.

______ are your New Year's resolutions?Are you going to keep them?I think you should try to do that. Say to ______,“I can do that!”You should believe that they will be carried out.

1A. from B. to C. for D. on


A. am going to tidy B. tidy

C. tidied D. tidies

3A. with B. for C. of D. to

4A. subject B. time C. hobby D. interest

5A. fourth B. third C. second D. first


A. beginning B. week

C. times D. festival

7A. take B. pay C. describe D. miss

8A. hard B. carefully C. harder D. more careful

9A. bad B. good C. fine D. well

10A. help B. teach C. make D. enjoy

11A. money B. time C. food D. paper


A. new something B. new anything

C. nothing new D. something new


A. am going to be busy B. am going to be free

C. am busy D. am free

14A. Where B. What C. How D. When

15A. himself B. myself C. yourself D. themselves


















1句意:大多数时候,我们对别人做承诺。from ,来自…;to …;for为了;on上面,关于。这里make promises to sb.对某人做承诺,是固定短语,故应选B。

2句意:例如,妈妈,我打算从学校回来后打扫我的房间。am going to tidy 打算打扫;tidy打扫,动词原形;tidied tidy的过去式,一般过去时态;tidies是第三人称单数形式。根据句意when I get back from school可知,这里说的是将来的事情,故应选A。

3句意:人们用聚会或者大餐的形式来庆祝新年。with 一起;用;for为了,因为;of…的;to。根据句意可知,这句话说的是人们庆祝新年的方式,故应选A。

4句意:新年也是一个下决心的好时候。subject 科目;time时间;hobby爱好;interest兴趣。根据下句话A New Year's resolution is a promise that you make to yourself on the ___5___ day of the year可知,这篇短文讲述的是新年决心,所以新年是一个下决心的时候,故应选B。

5句意:新年决心就是在新年的第一天你对自己的一个承诺。fourth 第四;third第三;second第二;first第一。根据句意和常识可知,新年就是新年的第一天,故应选D。

6句意:它是这一年一个新的开始。beginning 开始,名词;week周,星期;times时代;festival节日。根据文意可知,在新年的时候,下一个决心,让自己的新年有一个新的开始。故应选A。

7句意:明年我打算度一个长假。take 带走;pay付钱;describe描述;miss错过,想念。take a vacation是固定短语,去度假,故应选A。

8句意:我打算在学校比以前更努力的学习。hard 努力的;carefully仔细地,副词;harder更努力的,是比较级形式;more careful更仔细的,是形容词的比较级。根据句意和句中的than可知,这里表示和以前相比,应该用比较级。这个词是来修饰动词study的,应用副词,故D不对,选C。

9句意:我不擅长我的一些科目—科学、数学和历史。bad 差的,糟糕的;good好的;fine好的,常形容天气;well好,副词。这里是be good at这个短语,意思是擅长某事,故应选B。

10句意:为了表现更好下学期我打算自学。help 帮助;teach教;make制作;enjoy喜欢。teach oneself自学;help oneself随便吃…;enjoy oneself玩得开心。根据next term可知,作者是一个学生,在下学期为了表现更好,他会自学,故应选B。

11句意:我打算省很多钱买一辆新的自行车。money 钱;time时间;food 食物;paper纸。根据句意and buy a new bike可知,买自行车的话应该要省钱去买,故应选A。

12句意:我打算去尝试新的东西。new something 形式错误,形容词应放在不定代词后面;new anything 形式错误;nothing new没什么新东西;something new新东西。根据句意try可知,作者想要去尝试新东西。故应选D。

13句意:我知道明年我会很忙、很开心。am going to be busy 将会很忙;am going to be free将会是空闲的;am busy是忙的;am free是空闲的。根据这一段的内容可知,在这里作者讲述了他的很多新年决心,所以新的一年他会是很忙的,这里应用一般将来时态,故选A。

14句意:你的新年决心是什么?Where 在哪里;What什么;How怎样;When什么时候。根据句意可知,这里作者反问我们的新年愿望是什么,故应选B。

15句意:对你自己说:“我能做到!” himself 他自己;myself我自己;yourself你自己;themselves他们自己。根据句意“I can do that!” You should believe that they will be carried out.可知,最后这一段是作者跟读者的一个互动,使用的是第二人称,所以这里应选C。


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