

This is the Wilson family tree. All the members(成员) of the Wilson family are on this family tree.

Betty and Henry are the parents of Sally and Tom. Sally is married(已婚的). Her husband’s name is Jack. Sally and Jack are the parents of Jimmy and Sarah. Jimmy is their son, and Sarah is their daughter.

Tom is also married. His wife’s name is Patty. Patty and Tom are the parents of Julie and Kevin. Julie is their daughter, and Kevin is their son.

Jimmy, Sarah, Julie and Kevin are cousins. They are the grandchildren(孙子/女) of Betty and Henry.


【1】How many(多少) people are there on this family tree?


【2】 What’s Tom’s last name?


【3】Who is Sally’s brother?


【45Who are Julie’s grandparents?


【5】Are Jimmy and Kevin cousins?



【1】There are ten.



【4】Betty and Henry.

【5】Yes, they are.


文章大意本文主要讲述了Wilson十口人的大家谱。Betty and Henry 的孩子们是 Sally and Tom,SallyJack的孩子们是Jimmy and Sarah,Tom的妻子是Patty,他们的孩子是Julie and Kevin.

【1】根据题目要求定位到短文信息:Betty and Henry are the parents of Sally and Tom. Sally and Jack are the parents of Jimmy and Sarah. Patty and Tom are the parents of Julie and Kevin.可知这个家谱上面一共有十口人。故答案为:There are ten.

2根据题目要求定位到短文信息:This is the Wilson family tree. Betty and Henry are the parents of Sally and Tom.可知Tom是这家的儿子因此他姓Wilson。故答案为:Wilson。

【3】根据题目要求,定位到短文信息:Betty and Henry are the parents of Sally and Tom. Sally和Tom是Betty和Henry的孩子,可知Sally的兄弟是Tom。故答案为:Tom.

【4】 根据题目要求,定位到短文信息:Patty and Tom are the parents of Julie and Kevin. Betty and Henry are the parents of Sally and Tom.可知Julie是Patty和Tom的女儿,而Tom是Betty和Henry的儿子,因此Betty and Henry是Julie的外祖父母。故答案为:Betty and Henry.

【5】 根据题目要求,定位到短文信息:Jimmy, Sarah, Julie and Kevin are cousins. 可知Jimmy, Sarah, Julie and Kevin四个孩子是表兄弟妹的关系,因此此句需要肯定回答。故答案为:Yes, they are.


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