
【题目】 Everyone knows what to do on Mother's Day. You should cook breakfast for your mom wash the dishes , clean the house--everything a mother usually does. But what do you do on Father’s Day?

Father’s Day, which falls on the third Sunday of June in the US, is a more difficult holiday to _______ because a father’s role is more difficult to explain. What does a father “usually do”? If you ask 10 different families, you may get 10 different answers.

In more traditional times, a father's role was _______. He was the one who went to work every day and _______ home the money. But in modern families, many mothers work too, and there are even a number of _________ in which the mother works, but the father doesn’t.

Perhaps the best way to celebrate Father’s Day is to _______ the role fathers used to play and just thank your father for whatever he does for you. These can be simple things, including walking you to school, helping you _______ homework, or cooking breakfast and cleaning the house.

Whatever it is, just do something to say thanks. You could draw him a card, give him a gift--or just say, “Happy Father's Day!”


2A.strongB.not importantC.weakD.clear















A. 庆祝;B. 记得;C. 提醒;D. 喜欢;根据句意理解可知,这里超大的是很难庆祝父亲节,是庆祝的意思,所以选择A


A. 强壮的;B. 不重要的;C. 虚弱的;D. 清楚的;根据句意理解及后句的He was the one who went to work every day and ___3___ home the money.可知,这里表达的是清楚的清晰的,所以本题选择D


A. 得到;B. 带来;C. 去;D. 走路;根据文中的理解及常识可知,过去男人是出去工作赚钱养家的,是把钱带起来的人,所以这里填B


A. 房子;B. 家庭;C. 工作;D. 公司;根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是现在的家庭中母亲也要去工作,是讲述家庭的情况,所以本题选择B


A. 记住;B. 忘记;C. 带走;D. 玩;根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是忘记过去的角色,所以选择B


根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是帮助某人做某事,英语中结构是help sb with sth,所以应该选择B答案。


【题目】 An engineer named John Roebing thought of an idea to build a bridge connecting New York with the Long Island. He shared his idea with building engineers throughout the world, but no one was interested and they asked John to forget about it. According to them, it was a very difficult task and impractical to be done.

However, John could not forget the picture he had in his mind of the bridge. He thought about it day and night and wanted to share it with someone who would believe in his idea. John's son Washington Roebling was a young engineer then. He believed in his father and thought that the bridge could be built.

John and Washington, working together for the first time, developed plans of how the bridge could be built. They hired(雇佣) their workmen and began to build their dream bridge on January 3rd, 1870.

The project started well, but after a year, a terrible accident took John Roebling’s life. After that, Washington began to take charge of the bridge. However, after a few months Washington was seriously hurt, and it caused him brain damage. He was not able to walk or talk. The building of the bridge stopped.

Everyone around him lost hope about the future of the project. “We told them so.” “Crazy men and their crazy dreams.” These words hurt Washington, who still lay in hospital. However, his dream was still alive. He wanted to get up and continue his work, but his poor health did not allow him to. At that time, Washington could move only on finger and this gave him an idea. He tapped(敲打) that finger on his wife Emily’s arm, meaning he wanted her to call back the engineers. Then he used the same method to tell the engineers what to do.

For the next 11years, Washington gave instructions(指示) by tapping on Emily’s arm and she patiently passed on his message to the engineers. The bridge was finally completed and opened with a big celebration in May 1883.

Today, the 5,989 feet Brooklyn Bridge stands over the East River as one of the best examples of human will and love.

1What was Washington Roebling?

2What happens to John Roebling one year after the project started?

3Soon Washington lost the ability to walk or talk, didn’t he?

4How did Washington use only one finger to communicate with his wife?

5How long did it take the bridge to be completed?

6What can we learn from the story?

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