
【题目】─Compare the speeches made by the students from different schools,and you will find Franks is________.

─Sure. Thats why we voted for him.

A. more boring B. the most boring

C. more interesting D. the most interesting


【解析】根据语境可知不止三所学校的学生进行比赛,所以应用最高级;再根据Thats why we voted for him.可知应是有趣。句意:——比较一下来自不同学校的学生发表的演讲,你就会发现弗兰克的演讲最有趣。——当然,那就是我们投他票的原因。故选D。



People travel a lot with Bel Air because they know they will get what they want.

They want to go quickly and safely across the country, across the sea or right across the world, and they know Bel Air will take them where they want to go, when they want to go. Bel Air flies all the newest and fastest planes to more towns and cities, in more countries of the world than any other airline (航空公司) .

Do you want to go to Paris, Washington DC, Tokyo? Bel Air will take you there, at all times of the day and night, right through the week. But Bel Air flies not only to the biggest cities, in the rich counties we fly two or three times a week to towns and cities in the center of Asia, Africa and South America.

People who travel a lot fly with Bel Air, because they know they will leave on time and arrive on time. They know that they will receive the best food and watch the best films.

Bel Air is second to none. When you fly, fly with Bel Air.

【1】Bel Air is ______________.

A. the name of a plane B. the name of an airline

C. an air lab D. a radio programme

【2】The airline flies planes to cities like Paris ______________.

A. day and night, through the week B. two or three times a week

C. at any time of the day D. at any time of the night

【3】The reasons why people fly with Bel Air are the followings except ______________.

A. they provide best food B. people can enjoy best films

C. they can arrive on time D. the price is not high

【4】Second to none may mean ________.

A. the second B. the last

C. the best D. the worst

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