











Hello from home! How long has been it________ we last met? Yeah, two months!

My family and I have just been _____ from a two-week trip to Europe for our recent vacation. We visited Paris, France, and London, England. Here I want to share my tour of Paris with you.

When we_____ , we all expected a funny and interesting vacation. For my sister and me, our stay in Paris had ______meaning. It was a good chance to practice our French, since English and French are the two official (官方的) languages in Canada. My mum doesn't speak French, and my sister can't speak it______ (she is only in Grade 3). So it was my______ to ask for directions (方向), order food, and deal with any person-to-person communication. I was, of course, really nervous.______ they couldn't understand my French______ I couldn't understand theirs?

My______ soon went away. The people in Paris ______ very. happy to answer my questions. They listened patiently and carefully, and spoke slowly to make themselves______ . One gentleman was even kind enough to lead us to the hotel we were ____

_______ the places we visited? We visited many places in Paris. My sister liked the Eiffel Tower and the Arch Triumphal (凯旋门). My mum liked the Louvre Museum (卢浮宫) most. Which places did I like? I liked all of them.

Paris is a city that we will always keep in______ . I suggest you visit there, too. I am sure it will be an amazing ______. You will be amazed at everything there!

1A. after B. before C. till D. since

2A. back B. away C. around D. off

3A. set up B. set in C. set on D. set out

4A. another B. other C. the others D. others

5A. too good B. too well C. well enough D. good enough

6A. pleasure B. duty C. course D. hobby

7A. What if B. Unless C. Because D. Instead

8A. and B. but C. although D. or

9A. sadness B. happiness C. patience D. worries

10A. seemed B. became C. turned D. kept

11A. understanding B. understood C. understand D. to understand

12A. looking after B. looking for C. looking up D. looking down

13A. Shall we B. What about C. Let's D. Why not

14A. head B. thought C. mind D. plan

15A. event B. experience C. story D. discovery


We all know the strange feeling of watching the time change on a o’clock.

You never really see it change because the hands move so slowly. But, of course, the time is changing all the time.

Human faces, like clock faces, are also changing. And like clocks, the changes take place too slowly to be noticed. Over many thousands of years, though, huge changes are possible. For example, the human brain tripled (三倍的) in size. Our faces became flatter, and we began to think more.

If our heads became larger in the past, how will things change in the future? Unlike the changes of a clock face, the changes in human faces are not easy to predict (预测). It is mainly because of the way in which we can now control parts of nature. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, all changes were natural, but now we can actively choose paths for our own evolution(进化).

A US artist named Nickolay Lamm has recently offered an idea at what human faces may one day look like. The designs, inspired (受启发) by his conversations with scientist Alan Kwan, show humans with larger heads and eyes. In particular, Lamm predicts the forehead may be larger because of increasing usage of the brain.

Just a few hundred years ago, most humans were working in the fields, while nowadays more and more people get education. These are just predictions, and no one can be sure how human beings will evolve(进化) in the future. But with such huge changes in our environment, it seems likely that we will look very different one day.

Changes to human faces

Similarity between the changes to the(小题1 and ones to human faces

They both keep changing all the time. But these changes are too (小题2 to be noticed.

Over the time, it is (小题3 for huge changes to take place.

(小题4 of human faces changes in the past

The human (小题5 is three times as large as it was thousands of years ago.

Human faces became flatter and humans began to think more.

Possible changes in the (小题6

It is hard to predict. One of the main(小题7 can be the way in which humans can control parts of the nature.

A US(小题8, Lamn, shows humans with larger heads and eyes.

Lamn predicts that because humans(小题9 the brain more often, the forehead may be larger.


How human beings will evolve is (小题10 . But the huge changes in our environment are likely to make humans look very different.

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