
【题目】根据句意,用and, but, or填空。

【1】 The history test was difficult ________ the English test was easy.

2 My name is Jim ________ I’m your new teacher.

3】 Lucy likes to dance ________ Tom likes to dance, too.

4】 She studies hard ________ she never passes the exams.

5】 He wants go swimming _____ go shopping.

6】Peter is my best friend ________ he comes to visit me each year.

7】 The train ticket is cheap ________ I choose to take a trip by plane.

8】Tina invited many friends to come to her party ________ no one came.



















Being a writer

Some children wish to be writers some day. They want to write stories or books for people to read. That’s good! It’s good to write something for people to read! But they should know that they need to be good readers first before they really are good writers. They should read a lot of books. And read for hours every day instead of watching TV and spending a lot of time to do the reading homework. Then you have time to read many other books for fun. Because of more fun in reading , you want to look for more books to read.

Before you decide to be a good writer, you’d better say to yourself, “I must read and read and read and read more and more!”

【1】This article mainly tells us that_______.

A.some children wish to be writers some day.

B.it is good to write something for people to read.

C.reading can make you a good writer

D.writers like to read more books for fun.

2】Some children want to be writers______.

A.because they want to be good readers.

B.to write stories or books for people to read.

C.to find good work some day

D.to get more money to keep a family

3 It’s good for children________.

A.to do a lot of reading

B.to watch TV in the evening

C.to have wishes sometimes

D.to be good writers right now

4】Reading can__________.

A. help you to do a good player.

B.help you write well

C.make your work better

D. make you watch more TV at home

5】From the passage we know that_________.

A.all children like to be writers

B.people like to read for children

C.all writers are children

D.children need to read more and more books.

【题目】Most people buy a lot of gifts just before Christmas. But some people think we buy too much. They have started a special day called Buy Nothing Day. They don t want anyone to go shopping on that day.

Buy Nothing Day is on November 29th. It is 25 days before Christmas. At that time, we see ads in newspapers and on TV telling us to “buybuy, buy!“

The idea for Buy Nothing Day started in Vancouver, British Columbia. Now people all over the world celebrate Buy Nothing Day. In California, USA, parents and children get together to read stories, sing songs and paint pictures. The children talk about why they don t need many toys. Last year, in Manchester, England, people dressed up in costumes to tell people that we buy too much.

In Albuquerque, New Mexicohigh school students wanted to tell other students about Buy Nothing Day. They organized a dinner to give people information about Buy Nothing Day. They asked restaurants in the neighbours to donate the food. They put up posters and talked to other students about it. The dinner was a big success, many students liked the idea of this new tradition. This year, they want to have another dinner to tell more people about Buy Nothing Day.

【1】When is Buy Nothing Day?

A. On December 25th.

B.On November 29th.

C. On November 25th.

D. On December 29th.

2】Buy Nothing Day started in .


B. Albuquerque

C. California

D. Manchester

3】 In California, children usually enjoy on Buy Nothing Day.

A. going shopping for Christmas

B.buying some toys with their parents

C. organizing a dinner for other students

D.reading stories, singing songs and panting pictures

4】In Albuquerquehigh school students organized a dinner to .

A. help poor people

B.make money on Buy Nothing Day

C.make advertisements for the restaurants

D. let other people learn about Buy Nothing Day

5】 What's the best title for this passage?

A. A Free Dinner

B. A Big Success

C. Buy Nothing Day

D. A New Christmas Day

【题目】Passage 1

Captain Good fellow

Do your children enjoy interesting stories, funny games, and exciting dances?

Captain Good fellow will be ready to teach all these things to children at the City Theater on Saturday morning at 10:00, free.

Films at the Museum

Two American films will be shown on Saturday afternoon at the Museum

Theater. See Broken Window at 1:30. The Workers will be at 3:45. For further information, call 4987898.

International Picnic

Are you tired of eating the same food every day? Come to Central Park on Saturday and enjoy food from all over the world. Delicious and not expensive. Noon to 5:00 p. m.

Take me out to the Ball game

It’s October, and Saturday night (7:00-9:00) is your last chance to see the Red Birds this year. Get your tickets at the gate. It might be cold. Don’t forget sweaters and jackets.

Do you want to hear “The Zoo”

“The Zoo”, a popular music group from Australia, will give their first U.S. concert this Saturday night, at 8:00 in Rose Hall, City College.


【1】On Saturday morning, you can _____.

A.go to watch a ball game

B.take children to play games at the City Theater

C.go to the Central Park for a picnic

D.go to concert at Rose Hall, City College

2The Red Birds ball game _____.

A.is in the afternoon

B.is outside

C.is at the gate

D.might be warm

3You can eat many different foods from all over the world if you _______.

A.go to the City Theater

B.go to the Central Park

C.buy tickets at the gate

D.go to see a movie

4“The Zoo” is _____.

A.a U.S. concert

B.a park with many red birds in it

C.a music group

D.going to give their last concert

5Mr. Turner wants to have a nice Saturday. Which is impossible for him to do?

A.Watching a ball game and having a picnic.

B.Having a picnic and watching a movie.

C.Going to the Museum theater and watching a ball game.

D.Watching a movie and listening to a concert.



A Letter from Obama to His Daughters

Dear Malia and Sasha

You have a lot of fun these two years when I am busy with my workYou go to picnicsvisit museums and…with your mumAnd you_______have a new dog as a petAll of these things make you_______But I know sometimes you are unhappy________I can’t stay with youor share(分享)these beautiful things with youI am sorry for thatToday I will tell you some of my ideas of________the US president

When you two come into my worldyou______a lot of happiness to meAnd I want you and all kids of your ages to live happily

I want all children to go to schoolI hope they have the chance to go to college even if their parents aren’t_______And I hope they get good jobs when they_________We try our best to build a peaceful(和平的)worldWe are fighting for(争取)______and safetyI want each child to have beautiful dreamsI________that the earth will become more and more beautifulAnd I will work hard for it

I am so proud(骄傲的)of________of youand I love you very much!Let’s start our new life together in the White House


Dad Agencies

1A. never B. hardly C. also D. still

2A. happy B. angry C. tired D. worried

3A. so B. because C. although D. but

4A. getting B. becoming C. catching D. visiting

5A. take B. carry C. bring D. get

6A. old B. young C. rich D. poor

7A. give up B. hang out C. grow up D. come over

8A. money B. oil C. cars D. freedom

9A. wish B. hope C. want D. against

10A. all B. both C. either D. neither

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