


Zhang Yining

Date of birth





1.68 m


starts to play table tennis


【答案】A famous ping-pong player

Do you know Zhang Yining, a famous ping-pong player in China? She was born on October 5th, 1982. She lives in Beijing. She was a lovely girl. She is tall, about one hundred and sixty-eight cm. She likes playing table tennis very much. She started to play it in 1988 when she was six years old. And she plays so well that she has won a lot of prizes. She is one of the best ping-pong players in our country.

【解析】这是一篇给材料作文,介绍张怡宁。结合所给材料,可知本文主要考查一般现在时和一般过去时,人称为单数第三人称,注意主谓一致问题,句子结构主要为系表结构和动宾结构,注意一些常见句式的应用,比如:She was born on……,She is……,She likes……,She started to……,She is……等句式的应用。写作中注意运用代词,注意多种句式交替运用。写作中注意叙述顺序,符合逻辑关系。


【题目】If you go into the forest(森林)with your friends, stay wih them. If you don't, you may get lost. What should you do if you really get lost? You should sit down and stay where you are. You mustn't try to find your friends——let them find you. If you want your friends to find you, you need to stay in one place. You can also shout three times. Then stop. Then shout three times again. Keep up shouting. Always three times together. When people hear you, they will know that you need help and where you are.

If you don't think that you can get help before night comes, you should make a small house with some small trees and branches(树枝)or something else. And make yourslf a bed with leaves and grass.

When you need some water and you have to leave your small house to look for it, don't just walk away. Leave small branches or something else on the way and then you can find your way back easily.

1If you get lost in the forest, you should ________.

A. try to find your friends B. stay where you are

C. walk around the forest D. try to find a house

2When pople hear the shouts, they will know that ________.

A. someone needs help B. a bear is coming

C. someone gets injured D. something terrible will happen

3What should you do if nobody helps you before night comes?

A. Shout loudly. B. Look for friends everywhere.

C. Go to bed. D. Make a small house with something.

4When you go to look for some water, you need to ________.

A. cut down some trees B. make another house

C. use branches to make a bed D. leave branches on the way

5What's the best title for the passge?

A. Travel in the forest

B. Spend a night in the forest

C. What to do when you’re lost in the forest

D. What to do if we want to get some water

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