





【答案】Here are some ways of studying/learning English well. You can learn English by listening to cassettes/asking the teacher for help/making flashcards/working with friends/reading aloud/studying with a group/practicing conversation with friends....You can study English grammar. The best way to learn new words is reading English magazines. You can also watch English movies/join the English club at school. When you are listening to English, you should listen to the most important words, not every word.

【解析】试题分析:本篇习作成功地完成了写作任务,表达顺畅,结构连贯,字数符合要求。准确运用时态,要点全面,语法正确,上下文意思连贯,适当发挥了想象。本文应用了很多短语使得文章很生动,例如by listening to cassettes,work with friends ,The best way to learn new words等。句式多样化是本文的亮点,例如,Here are some ways of learning English well./ The best way to learn new words is reading English magazines./ You can also watch English movies/join the English club at school./ When you … you should …等,显示出作者语言的丰富,是一篇非常优秀的习作。




Dear Betty,

Thank you very much for your e-mail. I know you are new here and come to Wenzhou in your car. You want to know something old in Wenzhou. You say you’d like 1 Wenzhou Museum. It is a big and famous 2 . It is near Shiji Square. Let me tell you the way to it. Take your car from your hotel and 3 along Fudong Road. Turn left at the third turning, not the 4 one. You will see Wenzhou Library 5 your left. The museum is opposite the library. It 6 from 9:00 to 5:00 pm every day, except Monday. There are lots of 7 things and paintings in the museum. I think you can enjoy yourself there. 8 don’t take a camera, you can’t use 9 in the museum. There is a small shop next to it. You can buy some souvenirs(纪念品) in it. And if you have enough 10 , Wenzhou Science and Technology Museum is next to it. It is a good place to have fun, too.

I think you’ll have a good time in Wenzhou!



【1】 A. to visit B. to go C. playing D. visiting

【2】 A. shop B. library C. museum D. bookshop

【3】 A. walk B. drive C. climb D. take

【4】 A. right B. left C. green D. first

【5】 A. on B. in C. to D. by

【6】 A. is open B. open C. is closed D. close

【7】 A. light B. silly C. new D. old

【8】 A. And B. So C. But D. Because

【9】 A. its B. it C. it’s D. them

【10】 A. products B. time C. price D. team


A long time ago, my grandma and grandpa lived in a house with a big front yard. They planted lots of vegetables and flowers in the yard.

They worked hard to keep the garden growing. All summer long, the family ate food from the garden and enjoyed the flowers.

Years passed. It became harder for them to keep up the garden. So they made it a little smaller.

Then one summer Grandpa died. It was a lonely winter for Grandma. It was hard for her to care for the garden alone. When spring came, she planted just a few vegetables and flowers.

One day in the early summer, Grandma heard big noises in the yard. She looked out of the window and saw thousands of bees.

What could she do? Should she hire someone to get rid of the bees? But that would cost more than she could afford. She decided to wait.

Over the next few days, the bees were busy with their own business. Grandma decided the bees wouldnt bother anyone, so she didnt give them another thought.

That summer, Grandmas little garden grew and grew. The neighbors would stop to admire the big crop of vegetables and the lovely flowers.

One day, Grandmas brother visited. As Grandma made him delicious squash pan cakes (南瓜煎饼), she told him about the bees.

Frank said, "Farmers often hire beekeepers to set up beehives (蜂窝). The bees, pollinate (传粉) the crops and help them to grow."

"So thats why my garden is doing so well!" Grandma exclimed (欢呼). After that, she believed that Grandpa had sent the bees to take his place and make Grandmas little garden grow and grow...


【1】The garden became smaller than before, because .

A. the grandpa died B. they became old

C. they didnt have enough money D. Because they didnt need so much food

【2】What did Grandma think of the bees at first?

A. They were noisy. B. They were helpful to the garden.

C. They could make honey. D. They were sent by Grandpa.

【3】The underlined word "hire" in paragraph 6 may mean"_________".

A. 解雇 B. 允许 C. 出租 D. 雇佣

【4】Why did the garden grow well that summer?

A. Because of Grandpa. B. Because of Grandma.

C. Because of the help of the bees. D. Because of good weather.

【5】Which of the following statements is not true according to the text?

A. Grandma wouldnt get aid of bees any more. B. The garden gives them a lot.

C. Grandpa sent the bees to help Grandma. D. The neighbors also loved the garden.

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