

Have you ever saved anyone’s life?

A.One night in July,Danny and Gary,two 15-year-old schoolboys,were chatting online.

B.On the girl’s Facebook.she was writing scary apologies(道歉)and sad goodbyes.

C.The two boys are Facebook friends for a long time,but they have never met before.

D.They have created a Facebook page to help keep teens from suicide(自杀).

E.On that hot nightthe two boys were talking about how to help teens in danger when they suddenly found a new message from a girl’s Facebook that was showing her suicidal feelings.

F.It’s a place where teens can ask for advice,express ideas,and support other teens.

G.The next morning,the girl wrote back to Danny,“I would be dead right now without your help.”

H.When the girl said she still decided to end her life,Danny called the police,and they finally saved her in time.

I.The two boys each sent caring messages to the girl,who went to Danny’s school,asking her to reconsider.

J.“To know that the girl’s life was in our hands was really scary.We must do something,”says Danny.


【解析】由文章的标题可以推断文章为记述文,那么在文章的开头一般会点明时间、地点和人物这三大基本的要素,由此可推断A为文章首句,点明了时间one night in July,地点online以及人物Danny and Gary;接下来会跟随这几个简单的因素再展开叙述,或是分别作详细的介绍,由此判断C项进一步点明两个男孩的关系,作补充条件;C项中首次提到Facebook,推断下文会对此做一些说明,由此判断D项排第3;D项简单介绍了网页的基本功能,由此判断F项是对其的详细解释;在解释完一些基本的要素后重新回到两个主角的身上,讲述事件的发生,由此判断E项符合,并增添了一个角色the girl,之后围绕女孩想自杀的一些迹象以及这两个男孩是怎么救助这个小女孩的,以及这个小女孩最后对他们的感谢。


【题目】One day on my way home,I knocked into a stranger as he passed by.“Oh,I’m terribly sorry.’’I said.“That’s all right.Please excuse me too;I wasn’t even noticing you.I wish I didn’t_____you.”We were very_____.We said good bye and went on our way.

But at home we often treat(对待)our loved ones in a different_____

Later that day,while I was cooking the evening meal,my daughter stood beside me very quietly.When I turned,I nearly_____her down.“Move out of the way,”I shouted.She walked away,tears(眼泪)in her eyes.

While I lay awake in bed,I realized how rudely I’d spoken.So I decided to get up to say_____to my daughter.On the way to her bedroom,to my surprise,I found some

___by the door of the kitchen.At that time my tears began to fall.I quietly went and got down on my knees by her_____.She woke up and put her arms around my neck when I kissed her.Then I asked,“Did you pick these flowers for me?’’

She smiled,“I found them out by the tree.I picked them_____they’re pretty like you.I knew you’d like them.I stood quietly in order to give you a surprise.”“Oh dear,I’m really sorry for the way I acted today;I shouldn’t have shouted at you.”

“That’s okay, Mom.I_____you anyway.”

I suddenly realized what a clever way it is to explain the word______like this:(F)ather(A)nd(M)other,(I)(L)ove(Y)ou!

1A. know B. hurt C. call D. knock

2A. sad B. angry C. polite D. proud

3A. way B. place C. style D. date

4A. put B. took C. turned D. knocked

5A. no B. hello C. sorry D. goodbye

6A. hooks B. flowers C. shoes D. letters

7A. bed B. desk C. table D. schoolbag

8A. but B. so C. though D. because

9A. love B. need C. miss D. hate

10A. father B. mother C. family D. daughter


One day a little mouse was thirsty(口渴的).She looked everywhere for water to drink.She climbed up on a table.And she saw a bottle on the table.The mouth of the bottle was_______ .The little mouse looked inside the bottle.“Aha,there is_______milk in it.That’s great.’’She went into it and drank.

She drank and drank.After a moment she had drunk enough.Her stomach was too big and she couldn’t come_______the bottle.She cried for help.Just then a cat came up to the table. _______he heard the cry the cat jumped onto the table so_______.“You’1l be my nice lunch.’’The little mouse was very clever and she_______for a moment and said,“Brother Cat,you mustn’t roll(滚)the bottle.”“_______?”asked the cat.“I would get dizzy(头晕目眩的),”said the mouse.The cat said that he would let her_______quickly.So he began to roll the bottle.Suddenly the bottle fell down onto the floor and broke into_______.The little mouse ran________as fast as she could.When the cat jumped off the table and ran after her,the mouse had already gone into her home.

1A. big B. little C. large D. small

2A. little B. a little C. few D. a few

3A. into B. up C. out of D. down

4A. When B. So C. Where D. Because

5A. happy B. easy C. easily D. happily

6A. waited B. thought C. stood D. saw

7A. When B. Where C. Why D. How

8A. dying B. die C. to die D. died

9A. boxes B. glasses C. pieces D. cakes

10A. away B. out of C. into D. After

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