
【题目】One day, a man was walking through a large city. On a street corner he saw a boy with a number of small birds for _____ in a cage(笼子).

He looked_____ at the little birds flying about the cage, beating the wires(金属丝) with their wings, and trying to get ______ .

He stood for some time looking at the birds.______ he said to the boy, "How much do you ask for your birds?"

"Fifty cents a piece, sir," said the boy. "I do not______ how much a piece," said the man, "but how much for all of them? I want to _____ them all."

The boy began to ____ , and found they came to five dollars. "Here is your _____ ," said the man. The boy took it, well pleased with his morning's______

As soon as the bargain(交易) was done, the man _____ the cage door, and let all the birds fly away.The boy, in great_______ , cried, "What did you do that for, sir? You have _______all your birds. '

"I will tell you _______I did it," said the man. "I was ______ for three years in a French prison(监狱) as a prisoner of war, and I've decided ______ to see anything in prison that I can make free. '

1A. visit B. sale C. pleasure D. treatment

2A. sadly B. happily C. coldly D. kindly

3A. on B. off C. up D. out

4A. At last B. Now and then C. Just now D. At the same time

5A. learn B. understand C. mean D. hear

6A. feed B. eat C. catch D. buy

7A. read B. count C. remember D. help

8A. money B. bird C. cage D. wire

9A. exercise B. lesson C. trade D. show

10A. closed B. opened C. knocked at D. broke into

11A. danger B. hope C. surprise D. excitement

12A. lost B. killed C. sold D. kept

13A. how B. why C. when D. where

14A. looked after B. hidden away C. shut up D. shown around

15A. always B. seldom C. sometimes D. never



















1句意:在街角他看见有个男孩在卖一些关在笼子里的小鸟。考查动词及语境理解。A. visit参观、访问;B. sale卖、出售;C. pleasure快乐;D. treatment治疗。根据下文How much do you ask for your birds?“你的鸟你想要多少钱?可知,笼子里的鸟是卖的。故答案选B

2句意:他难过地看着在笼子里飞来飞去的小鸟。考查副词及语境理解。A. sadly难过地、伤心地;B. happily高兴地;C. coldly冷淡地;D. kindly亲切地。根据后面的状语部分鸟儿撞击着金属笼,试图出去,以及下文描述他买下所有的鸟,然后又放生,可推知他看到关在笼子里的鸟应该是非常难过的。故答案选A

3句意:它们用翅膀撞击着金属丝,试图飞出去。考查介词及语境理解。A. on上面;B. off离开、脱落;C. up之上;D. out离去。根据前面描述鸟beating the wires (金属丝)with their wings“鸟儿用翅膀撞击着金属丝可知,鸟是想从笼子里面出来,get out“出去、逃脱”,故答案选D

4句意:最后他对男孩说:“你的鸟要多少钱?”考查介词短语及语境理解。A. At last最后;B. Now and then有时、偶然;C. Just now刚才;D. At the same time同时。根据前句He stood for some time looking at the birds.他站着看了这些鸟一段时间可知,经过考虑之后,最终决定询问这些鸟的价格。故答案选A

5句意:这个人说:“我的意思不是说一个多少钱。”考查动词及语境理解。A. learn学会;B. understand理解;C. mean意思、用意;D. hear听见。根据后句男子的话but how much for all of them?表示而是所有的这些多少钱?可知,这个人要表达的是“我的意思不是说一个多少钱?”故答案选C

6句意:我想把它们都买下来。考查动词及语境理解。A. feed饲养;B. eat吃;C. catch抓住;D. buy买。根据前文这个人的问话而是所有的这些多少钱?可推知他想买下这些鸟,应用动词buy。故答案选D。

7句意:这个男孩开始去数。考查动词及语境理解。A. read读;B. count数;C. remember记得;D. help帮助。前面提到了男子想买所有的鸟,以及下文and found they came to five dollars.可推知小男孩应该是开始查数,到底是几只鸟。故答案选B。

8句意:这个人说:“给你钱。”考查名词及语境理解。A. money钱;B. bird鸟;C. cage笼子;D. wire电线。前面提到了男子要买笼子里所有的鸟,因此这里应该是付给男孩鸟的钱。故答案选A。

9句意:这个男孩拿了钱,对他早上的买卖交易很满意。考查名词及语境理解。A. exercise练习;B. lesson功课;C. trade交易;D. show显示、表演。根据上下文语境可知,交钱后拿鸟这就是一个买卖交易。故答案选C。

10句意:交易一完成,这个人就打开鸟笼的门,让所有的鸟都飞走了。考查动词及语境理解。A. closed关闭;B. opened打开;C. knocked at敲;D. broke into闯入。根据后句and let all the birds fly away. 让所有的鸟都飞走了。可知此处应该是打开鸟笼的门,故答案选B

11句意:男孩非常吃惊的喊道。考查名词及语境理解。A. danger危险;B. hope希望;C. surprise惊奇;D. excitement兴奋。根据下文What did you do that for, sir?小男孩询问的原因,可知此处指的是小男孩对男子的行为感到惊讶。in surprise吃惊地。故答案选C

12句意:你失去了所有的鸟。考查动词及语境理解。A. lost丢失;B. killed杀死;C. sold卖完;D. kept保持。由上文“the man…let all the birds fly away.”可知这个人买到鸟后,放飞了它,可推知在小男孩眼里就是那个男子失去了所有的鸟。故答案选A。

13句意:我将告诉你我为什么这么做。考查疑问词及语境理解。A. how怎样;B. why为什么;C. when什么时候;D. where在哪里。根据后文男子的回答:自己曾被关在监狱多年,因此下定决心不让任何他能让其自由的东西关起来。可知该句男孩询问这个人放飞鸟的原因。故答案选B

14句意:我作为战俘在法国的监狱里关了三年。考查动词短语及语境理解。A. looked after照顾;B. hidden away深深隐藏;C. shut up关闭;D. shown around带领参观。根据后面的“监狱”可知应该是被关在里面,故答案选C

15句意:我决定不让任何能让其自由的东西关起来。考查副词及语境理解。A. always总是;B. seldom很少;C. sometimes有时;D. never从不。根据前面男子买鸟,然后又放飞鸟的故事,及其解释这样做的原因,可推知,男子是下定决心不让任何他能让其自由的东西关起来。故答案选D

解答完形填空首先要通读全文,掌握大意。结合选项初步弄清短文写了些什么内容。在理解全文意思的基础上,结合文章内容对空缺句子作合乎逻辑的推理。必须弄清空缺词句的确切含义,空缺词句与其前后句的意义衔接必须自然、合理,最后根据语境,结合选项,选出正确答案。如,第1小题,根据下文How much do you ask for your birds?你的鸟你想要多少钱?可知,笼子里的鸟是卖的。故答案选B。第7小题,前面提到了男子想买所有的鸟,以及下文and found they came to five dollars.可推知小男孩应该是开始查数,到底是几只鸟。故答案选B


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