
【题目】We have no more vegetables in the fridge. I _____and buy some.

A. go B. went C. will go D. was going






Running away is a serious problem. There are lots of runaway and homeless kids living in the streets around the world.


★Some kids run away because they have problems with their families.

★Some kids run away because they’re afraid to tell their parents the bad things that they did at school or in society.

★Some kids run away because there is violence(暴力) in the family.

★Some kids run away because their parents divorce(离婚) or marry again.

★Some kids run away because they have problems at school.

What will you do if your friends want to run away from home?

If your friend is thinking about running away, tell him or her that it is difficult to survive(幸存) in the streets. Try to help your friend feel less alone.

Whatever the problem is, there are other ways to solve it. Maybe you can’t think of the ways right now, but an adult(成年人) will know how to help you. You should tell an adult that your friend plans to run away as soon as possible. Being a real friend doesn’t mean keeping a secret that may hurt someone. And running away isn’t a solution(解决方法) for either of you.It only makes more problems and danger.


2】【2】回答问题:Kids run away because of many reasons. How many reasons are connected with their schools?



If a secret may hurt someone, you shouldn’t keep it even though you’re someone’s real friend.


What does the underlined word “It” in the last sentence refer to(指的是)

【题目】Nanotechnology is a new type of science that will be wideIy used in many fields. Do you want to know more about it?

Imagine: A television screen has the size and thickness of a piece of paper. You carry it around in your pocket and take it out when you want to watch a show. (1) A guitar is so tiny thatis so tiny that you can’t see it with the human eyes, but you can hear sounds when its strings are pulled.

(2)Naotechnology is the science, this kind of science can deal with doing things in a very small way, and it is being studied and developed all over the world. Many scientists say nanotechnology will prodece the next industrial revolution (工业革命).

(3)也许纳米技术对医学将有最大的影响。Imagine nanobots in medicine. Thousands or even millions of tiny machines can be sent into the human body with specific tasks. For example, (4)they can be designed to find and destroy cancer cells or viruses(病毒). Other machines may stay in the human body forever to help organs(器官)that are not working properly.

When could all of these happen? Scientists predict that most of these are possible in the next 30 years. Thousands of scientists around the world are working on these micro-machines. Nanotechnology is just around the corner.


1(1)处翻译成中文。 _________________________________________

2(2)处改成复合句。 _________________________________________

3(3)处翻译成英文。 _________________________________________

4写出(4)“they”指代的内容。 _______________________________

5找出该文章的中心句。 _________________________________________

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