
【题目】Excuse me, where is the post office?

Walk along Green Street and turn left at _________ crossing, then you can find it.

A. first B. one C. the first D. the one





I Have to See Another Doctor

Mr. Clarke lives at the foot of the mountain. He keeps the forest for a rich farmer there. The only road to the forest is just in front of his house. He can easily see the people who want to enter the forest. Sometimes he has to be on duty at night. When he hears some sound, he has to get up to see if someone cuts the trees.

One day he bought something in the town. He found a strong dog and bought it. He loves it very much and often gives some meat or bread to it. And when a strange man walks close to his house, it barks(吠) loudly. So he can soon know about it and goes out to find out who it is. But last week something was wrong with Mr. Clarke. He didnt feel well and couldnt fall asleep in the evening. He had to go to a hospital in the town. The doctor looked him over and then asked, Have you got a dog, sir?

Yes, I have got one.

You have got a skin disease(皮肤病), said the doctor. I am sure your dog infected(传染) it to you. You cant come in touch(接触) with it any longer.

When he came out of the hospital, he met a friend and told him about it. The man asked, What are you going to do, to sell your dog or to give it to another man?

Neither, answered Mr. Clarke, I have decided to see another doctor. Its much easier to find a doctor than to buy a good dog!

【1】Mr. Clarke lives at the foot of the mountain because __________.

A. its very quiet there

B. he has a farm there

C. his work is to keep the forest

D. he can have a good rest there

【2】Mr. Clarke is afraid, so he bought a dog, because __________.

A. someone picks the fruit

B. some animals hurt him

C. someone hurt him

D. someone may cut the trees

【3】 __________, so Mr. Clarke loves it.

A. The dog can help him keep the forest

B. Everyone is afraid of the dog

C. The dog can stop people coming in the room

D. He can play with the strong dog

【4】 The doctor told him to __________.

A. buy another dog B. throw the dog away

C. take the dog to the hospital D. buy some medicine for his dog

【5】Which of the following is true?

A. Mr. Clarke thought the dog was more useful than the doctor.

B. Mr. Clarke decided to go on coming in touch with his dog.

C. Mr. Clarke wouldnt hurt his dog.

D. Mr. Clarke hoped to cure(医好) his dog.

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