
【题目】Your mom does a lot of housework, and you’d really like to help her out. Here is some advice for you.

Caring for your own space. Try to keep your room clean. If you make a mess, clean it up as soon as possible.

Sharing some of your mom’s tasks (工作). Find out what tasks you could do. It depends on your age. Children can begin to take care of their own washing from around the age of 8.

Help out with making dinner. You may not cook a big dinner, but you can try to make a simple lunch.

Organizing a “Mom’s Day Off”. Choose a day to do all chores with your dad and your sister or brother. Let your mom enjoy a relaxing day.

Being active. Ask your mom what you can help with. She probably has advice for things you can do for her. If she asks for your help, don’t refuse. She wouldn’t ask if she didn’t need your help. Do not wait until she tells you or asks to do something. Always help your mom, and she will be very happy.

1What does the underlined word “it” refer to in paragraph 3?

A. Making sure what you can help your mom with. B. Trying to make a big dinner for your family.

C. Doing the chores according to your age. D. Learning how to use the washing machine.

2How many pieces of advice does the writer talk about?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

3What should you do if your mom ask you for help?

A. Ask your sister or bother to help her. B. Try your best to help as soon as possible.

C. Wait until she asks again. D. Tell her that you’d like to help but you can’t.

4Which of the following is NOT true?

A. You should make your home clean and never make a mess in it.

B. The jobs you can help your mom to do depend on your age.

C. Your mom may be very relaxed on the “Mom’s Day Off”.

D. Your mom will be happy if you offer help before she asks you.

5What is the passage mainly about?

A. How to be an active child. B. How to help your mom at home.

C. How to organize family activities. D. How to be independent.








1词义猜测题。根据Sharing some of your mom’s tasks (工作). Find out what tasks you could do.可推知,确保你能帮助妈妈做什么工作。故选A。

2细节理解题。根据Caring for your own space. Sharing some of your mom’s tasks (工作). Help out with making dinner. Organizing a “Mom’s Day Off”.Being active.可知,这里提到了要关心你自己的空间;与妈妈一起分享工作;帮助做饭;组织一次活动--让妈妈休息一天;要有积极的态度。故选D。

3细节理解题。根据 If she asks for your help, don’t refuse. 可知,如果妈妈需要你的帮助,你不要拒绝,要尽力去帮助她。故选B。

4细节理解题。根据 Try to keep your room clean. If you make a mess, clean it up as soon as possible.


5主旨大意题。根据Your mom does a lot of housework, and you’d really like to help her out. Here is some advice for you.可知,短文叙述的是如何在家帮助妈妈做家务。故选B。




Now some women are spending a weekend at Mother’s Camp.There,husbands and children are not allowed.Why would a woman want to take a vacation without her________?Some women say they need time to be________.

At Mother’s Camp a woman has room to herself.She can________,read or watch TV,and no one will bother her.No________will ask,“Mom,what’s for dinner?”No husband will say,“Oh,dear,I can’t find any clean socks.”In fact almost 50% of the women in the United States work________the home.Many of them work full-time and then come home to a second jobtaking care of their homes and families.These working women say one of their biggest________is housework.

In the United States,working wives do about 75% of the housework.Many of their________say they want to help.But then they burn the rice or they can’t find the pans.They ask so many questions that their wives decide it is________to do the job themselves.

Some women go to Mother’s Camp just to get a rest from housework.For two days they dont________;they don’t clean;they don’t look after their children and husbands.What do they do?They enjoy warm,sunny weather,walking,______or boating in a clear blue lake and singing songs around the campfire.They relax away from home.They have a really great vacation at Mother’s Camp!

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