
【题目】American researchers have found that if teenagers watch TV too much they may develop depression(抑郁).

Over 4,000 ___were asked how many hours of TV they ___every day. They were also asked if they played computer ___and listened to the radio.The result shows that young people___five and a half hours in front of media(大众传播媒介)every day, more than two hours which they spent in watching television.

Seven years later more than 70% of the people ____the survey showed depression. The study also found that young men became more depressed than____

Watching TV ___more time away from sports. It also makes teenagers have less ___time. People who watch less TV find themselves____than others.Because they have more time with their family and friends. Watching TV too much is not______forteenagers. It’s bad for health.

1A. bosses B. teenagers C. stars D. singers

2A. read B. bought C. changed D. watched

3A. games B. screens C. videos D. keyboards

4A. took B. paid C. spent D. cost

5A. taking part in B. carrying out C. looking forward to D. making fun of

6A. parents B. teachers C. friends D. women

7A. runs B. takes C. throws D. pushes

8A. work B. sleep C. discussion D. dinner

9A. wiser B. greater C. happier D. younger

10A. ready B. good C. famous D. late













1句意:4000多名青少年被问到他们每天看多少小时的电视节目。A. bosses名词,老板;B. teenagers名词,青少年;C. stars名词,明星;D. singers名词,歌手根据上文中的"teenagers"可知,采访的是青少年。故选:B。

2句意:4000多名青少年被问到他们每天看多少小时的电视节目。. A. read动词,阅读;B. bought动词,买;C. changed动词,改变;D. watched动词,看、关注;固定短语watch TV看电视。故选:D。

3句意:还问了他们玩电脑游戏和听收音机的事情。A. games名词,游戏;B. screens名词,屏幕;C. videos名词,录像;D. keyboards名词,键盘。play computer games"打电子游戏",为固定短语。故选:A。

4句意:结果表明,年轻人每天花五个半小时在大众传播媒介上,他们花两个多小时在看电视。四个选项都有花费之意,但是用法不同。 (1)spend的主语通常是人,往往用于以下句型: (sb)spend some money/some time on sth. (sb)spend some money/some time(in)doing sth. (2)take常用于占用、花费时间,其主语通常为形式主语“it”或物。句式是: It takes/took sb.some time to do sth=Sth.takes sb.some time。(3) pay付款、赔偿之意,主语通常是人,往往是sb. pays some money for sthpay sb.(some money for sth)。(4) cost的主语必须是某物。.故选:C。

5句意:七年后,参加调查的70%以上的人表现出抑郁。A. taking part in参加;B. carrying out执行;C. looking forward to期望;D. making fun of取笑。结合语境可知,此处指参与这项调查的人,take part in"参与…",为固定搭配。故选:A。

6句意:研究还发现,年轻男性比女性更抑郁。A. parents名词,父母;B. teachers名词,教师; C. friends名词,朋友;D. women名词,女人。根据前文“men”可知,后文相对应的是“women”,此处指年轻男人和女人之间的比较。故选:D。

7句意:看电视占用了更多的时间,远离了体育运动A. runs动词,跑;B. takes拿、花费;C. throws动词,扔掉;D. pushes动词,推固定搭配take away from"带走"。故选:B。

8句意:这也使青少年的睡眠时间减少。A. work名词,工作;B. sleep名词,睡觉;C. discussion名词,讨论;D. dinner名词,晚餐、正餐。less sleep 更少的睡眠。故选:B。

9句意:少看电视的人发现他们自己比别人更快乐。A. wiser形容词比较级,更明智;B. greater形容词比较级,更伟大;C. happier形容词比较级,更快乐;D. younger形容词比较级,更年轻。根据后文"Because they have more time with their family and friends"可知,少看电视的人有更多的时间陪伴家人和朋友,因此少看电视会使人更加开心。故选:C。

10句意:看电视太多对青少年不好。A. ready形容词,准备好的;B. good形容词,好的;C. famous形容词,著名的;D. late形容词,晚的。固定搭配be good for,意为有益”。故选:B。


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