


Let's face and_____ these_____ together.


I cut the bread______ ______


We don't know his age. He ______ it ______ ______.


Mary is ______ ______ ______tell her parents the bad news.


The doctor ______ me ______ ______ more exercise.




3keeps to himself

4too afraid to

5advisedto take


1短语let sb do sth让某人做某事,and后的动词与前面的face是并列的;分担这些问题share these problems;故答案为:(1). share (2). problems

2短语cut sth in half把某物切成两半。故答案为:(1). in (2). half

3短语keep sth to oneself保密,不和别人分享某事。根据We don't know his age.可知,这里的句子应该用一般现在时。句子的主语是第三人称单数形式,所以谓语动词用单数形式。句子的主语是he,所以第三空应该用与he对应的反身代词himself。因为故答案为:(1). keeps (2). to (3). himself

4短语too+形容词或副词to+动词原形,意为:……而不能”。afraid害怕,形容词。故答案为:(1). too (2). afraid (3). to

5短语advise sb to do sth建议某人做某事。take more exercise多锻炼故答案为:(1). advised (2). to (3). take


【题目】A special day in the United States is Thanksgiving Day. It is always on the fourth Thursday of November. Usually, family members and friends get together for a big dinner. People sometimes drive their cars a long way for a family reunion(团聚). Many people also take Friday off and make it a long weekend holiday, because most Americans do not work on Saturdays or Sundays. Thanksgiving Day began in 1621, the second year after the first English settlers(定居者) reached the new world. They did not have enough food. But the American Indians helped the white men and taught them how to farm.

In the autumn after the English settlers came to America, they had a good harvest(丰收). They were so pleased. They decided to invite their Indian friends to dinner in order to (为了) thank them for their help. In terms of a family reunion, Thanksgiving Day is even more important than Christmas Day or New Year's Day to most Americans.

1If November 1st is Monday, when is Thanksgiving Day?

A. On November 4. B. On November 18.

C. On November 25. D. On November 2.

2In the passage the American Indians were very ________.

A. brave B. foolish C. kind D. clever

3When the first English settlers reached America they ______.

A. lived happily

B. had a difficult time

C. taught the American Indians how to farm

D. brought the American Indians food

4Why did the English settlers invite the American Indians to dinner?

A. To thank them for their help.

B. To have a long holiday.

C. To teach them how to farm.

D. To drive a long way for a family reunion.

5We can guess there are more family reunions ________ in America.

A. on Thanksgiving Day than on Christmas Day

B. on Christmas Day than on Thanksgiving Day

C. on New Year's Day than on Thanksgiving Day

D. on New Year's Day than on Christmas Day

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