

A:Hi,Yu Hai!You weren’t at home last weekend.31.1

B:I was back to my home town.


B:No.But l was there from 2002 t0 2004


B:I was born in 1999.

A:Where were you before 2002 ?


A:Now,do you often go back to your home town?

B:Yes.35.5I love them a lot.

A. When were you born?

B. Were you born there?

C. My grandparents live there now.

D. I was in Shanghai with my parents.

E. Where were you?








1句意:-你好,于海,你上个周末不在家,你去哪儿了?-我回了我的家乡。根据对话的意思You weren’t at home和下面的回答I was back to…可知,这里问于海上个周末去了哪里,故应选E。






【题目】Remember Tony and Peter.the twin brothers who started singing at the age of five?The little boys are now twenty—five years old and will come back home for the first time since they left ten years ago.They will sing to celebrate the 100th birthday of our beautiful town.

Tony and Peter are famous for their wonderful voices.They are popular with both young and old people.Three years ago,the brothers organized the Garbage Can with their three cousins.The five of them started to write their own songs and have become successful.In the coming concert in Green-town,the Garbage Can is going to sing their best-loved songs and several new ones.

The concert will be at Apple Park at 7 pm on 10th October.Fans who do not want to miss it should get to the park as early as possible.

1Tony and Peter started singing when they were years old.

A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 25

2Tony and Peter are famous because they have

A. good looks B. beautiful songs

C. wonderful voices D. best—loved books

3After reading the passage,we can know that the Garbage Can is

A. a singer B. a song C. a band D. a place

4We can know the information EXCEPT of the concert.

A. the time B. the date C. the goal D. the price

5What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. It’s about twin brothers and their large family.

B. It’s about a concert to celebrate the birthday of a town.

C. It’s about a famous singer’s birthday celebration.

D. It’s about Green-town and its beautiful views.

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