
【题目】School was very easy for me at the beginning. I did everything easily- going to school, doing my homework, taking tests and getting good grades. And that was usually natural. Sure, I had been a top student for eight years. It was easy.

Suddenly Grade Nine began. Now I am not the top student any more. I can just keep up with the others. I have to spend four hours doing my homework each day besides the eight hours at school. I became very sad and angry about my situation. However, after thinking about it, I finally realize that there are students who can do everything well, and I am not one of them. So I give up some of my hobbies, such as watching TV, playing computer games and hanging out with friends. It takes time to see things differently. I realize that I am not so perfect. The experience shows me that I am growing up.

The Garde the student is in now

He is in Grade 1

His idea about his first eight school years

It was 2.

The time he spends on homework every day

He spends 3 hours.

His feeling about his situation now

He feels very sad and 4.

The evaluation(评价)of himself now

He realizes that he is not so 5.








1句意:这个学生现在的年级:他在九年级。根据第二段第一句Suddenly Grade Nine began.(突然九年级开始了。)可知这个学生在九年级了。填Nine 。

2句意:他对前八学年的看法它较容易。根据对第一段的理解特别是最后两句Sure, I had been a top student for eight years. It was easy.(当然,我八年来一直是个优秀的学生。这很容易。)可知填easy。

3句意:他每天花在做家庭作业上的时间他花四小时。根据第二段第三句I have to spend four hours doing my homework each day besides the eight hours at school.(除去每天八小时在学校学习之外我要花四小时做我的家庭作业。)可知填four。

4句意:他感觉他现在的情况:他感到很伤心和生气。根据第二段第五句I became very sad and angry about my situation.(对于我的情况我很悲伤和愤怒)可知填angry。

5句意:对于现在自己的评价:他意识到他不完美。根据第二段倒数第二句I realize that I am not so perfect.(我意识到我不是那么完美。)可知填perfect。


【题目】One hot day, some mice were playing in a forest and a lion was having a rest under a tree. One mouse did not look where he was going and hit the lion’s leg. The lion was very angry, and he caught the mouse. The little animal did not know what to do. “I’m sorry, sir,” the mouse said. “Will you free me, please? “I don’t know why I should,” the lion said. “I’m very hungry, and it’s time to have lunch.” “Please don’t eat me,” the mouse said. “I’m so small and wouldn’t satisfy you.” “Besides(而且),if you free me, I might be able to help you one day.” The lion laughed loudly and said, “How could a great animal like me need your help?” But the lion had a kind heart, and he freed his little friend. “Thank you so much,” the mouse said. “Some day you’ll see that I was telling the truth.” Several days after this, some men were trying to catch the lion. They put a net in the forest, so the lion was caught in it. He couldn’t understand how this could happen because he was usually very careful. The great animal was in big trouble. Loud, angry noises could be heard everywhere in the forest. The mouse heard these noises and went to see what was wrong. He found the lion in the net and knew what he had to do. The small mouse started to bite the net, soon a little piece of the net fell on the ground. Then another piece fell, and another. In a short time the great animal was freed.


1In a forest, a small mouse hit a lion’s head. The lion got angry and caught him.

2The lion was very hungry, so he wanted to have the mouse for lunch.

3The lion didn’t think he would need the small mouse’s help.

4The lion had to free the small mouse because he was caught in a net.

5When the small mouse heard the loud, angry noises, he was too frightened to help the lion.

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