
【题目】The best way of learning English

The best way of learning a language is by using it. The best way of learning English is talking in English as much as possible. Sometimes you will get your words mixed up and people will not understand you. Sometimes people will say things too quickly and you can't understand them. But if you keep your sense of humour, you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes. Don't be unhappy if people seem to be laughing at your mistakes. It is much better for people to be laughing at your mistakes than to be angry because they don't understand what you are saying. The most important rule for learning English is, “Don't be afraid of making mistakes; everyone make mistakes.”

1The best way of learning a language is ______.

A. to remember the grammar rules B. to use it as often as you can

C. to try not to get your words mixed up D. to make a lot of mistakes

2When people laugh at your mistakes,______.

A. you should be angry B. you must stop talking at once

C. you should keep your sense of humour D. you must be very careful next time

3The most important rule for learning English is ______.

A. to try to make fewer mistakes B. not to be afraid of making mistakes

C. to be brave to talk to others in English D. both B and C

4Tom, Jerry, Bob and Mike are learning English. Who do you think is right?

A. Tom tries to use English as much as possible.

B. Jerry is always shy of speaking English.

C. Bob is afraid that others may laugh at him.

D. Mike never tries to talk to others in English.

5The passage seems to tell us ______.

A. that you should learn to laugh at mistakes

B. that it's interesting to learn English

C. what to do when you make mistakes while talking English

D. how to make others understand you









1题意:学习语言最好的方法是____________________。考查细节理解。A. to remember the grammar rules记住语法规则;B. to use it as often as you can尽可能经常地使用它;C. to try not to get your words mixed up尽量不要把你的语言混在一起使用;D. to make a lot of mistakes 犯很多错误根据第一句The best way of learning a language is by using it.(学习语言的最好方法是使用它。)可知选B。

2题意:当人们嘲笑你的错误时,____________________。考查细节理解。A. you should be angry你应该生气;B. you must stop talking at once你必须立刻停止说话;C. you should keep your sense of humour你应该保持幽默感;D. you must be very careful next time下次你一定要非常小心。根据第五句But if you keep your sense of humour, you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes.(但是,如果你一直保持你的幽默感你就可以对自己所犯的错误一笑而过。)可知选C。

3题意:学习英语最重要的规则是____________________。考查细节理解。A. to try to make fewer mistakes尽量少犯错误;B. not to be afraid of making mistakes不怕出错;C. to be brave to talk to others in English勇敢地用英语和别人交谈;D. both B and C:BC两个都是。根据最后一句The most important rule for learning English is, “Don't be afraid of making mistakes; everyone make mistakes.”(学习英语最重要的规则是:“不要害怕犯错,每个人都会犯错。”)可知学习英语最重要的规则是不怕出错,勇敢地用英语和别人交谈。可知选D。

4题意:汤姆、杰瑞、鲍伯和迈克正在学英语。你认为谁是对的?考查理解判断题。A. Tom tries to use English as much as possible.汤姆尽可能多地使用英语;B. Jerry is always shy of speaking English. 杰瑞总是羞于说英语;C. Bob is afraid that others may laugh at him. 鲍勃担心别人会嘲笑他;D. Mike never tries to talk to others in English.迈克从不试着用英语和别人交谈。根据本文主要内容可知学习英语最重要的规则是不怕出错,勇敢地用英语和别人交谈。可知汤姆的做法是正确的,选A。

5题意:这篇短文好像告诉我们_______________。考查主旨理解题。A. that you should learn to laugh at mistakes你就应该对自己所犯的错误一笑而过;B. that it's interesting to learn English学英语很有趣;C. what to do when you make mistakes while talking English当你在说英语时犯错误时该怎么办;D. how to make others understand you 如何让别人理解你本文主要内容是学习英语最好的办法是尽可能地多说英语,不要害怕犯错误,勇敢地用英语和别人交谈。根据本文主要内容可知这篇短文好像告诉我们当你在说英语时犯错误时该怎么办。故选C。


【题目】I have a good friend.Her name is Judy.Though we often ______ with each other about little thingswe are still good friends.I want to tell you a story between us.

It was a(n) ______ day.I was running around doing what I needed to do.Then I stopped ______ I felt my cellphone vibrating (震动)in my pocket.I ______ keep my phone on.In the event of an emergency (紧急情况)my family and friends can get in touch with ______

It was an emergency.There was a ______ in my family.I couldn't move or think after receiving the call.I excused myself from work early.I ______ to my apartment and didn't know what to do next.I wondered if I wanted to call my friendJudy.Death is a sensitive (敏感的)subject for some people.After thinking for a whileI decided to call her.I ______ she wouldn't refuse to help me.

I was so ______ that I made the call.Without a second thoughtshe said“I'll be right over there.” When I saw herI was touched.Having my friend thereholding me in silence (沉默)______ the world to me.I was so grateful to my friend.

1A. continueB. argueC. dependD. provide

2A. usualB. properC. excitingD. fair

3A. butB. beforeC. becauseD. so

4A. finallyB. perhapsC. insteadD. always

5A. meB. youC. herD. them

6A. cloudB. memberC. dealD. death

7A. comparedB. droppedC. returnedD. traveled

8A. guessedB. explainedC. advisedD. disagreed

9A. nervousB. gladC. angryD. clever

10A. reachedB. stoodC. meantD. gave

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