
Humans Greatest Achievements

The Earth is 4.5 billion years old, but the human race has lived on it for just 200,000 years. In that short time, we have achieved some amazing things.

1 The list is almost endless. The invention of the airplane has changed our lives. The discovery of antibiotics (抗生素) has saved the lives of millions of people. Can you imagine living without electricity? What about the printing press (印刷术)? Without the printing press, you wouldnt be reading this. In the last 50 years, there have been great achievements in communication, such as radio, TV, computers, the Internet, and smartphones (智能手机). 2

What about the arts? The arts have brought pleasure to many people, but are the Beatles and Bach more important than antibiotics? 3

Finally, we must not forget humans early achievements. 4 We cant imagine modern life without cooked food and cars.

What are humans greatest achievements? To answer the question, we need to decide what we mean by great. 5 Or is it just something that makes us say Wow, like the Great Wall? What do you think?


A. Is it something that makes us rich or happy or save lives?

B. They used fire for cooking and heating and invented the wheel.

C. Many of humans great achievements are in science and technology.

D. And is Mickey Mouse as important an achievement as going to space?

E. We could probably live without them, but life wouldnt be as interesting.



Dear Betty,

Thank you very much for your email. I know you are new here and come to Wenzhou in your car. You want to know something old in Wenzhou. You say you’d like 1 Wenzhou Museum. It is a big and famous 2 . It is near Shiji Square. Let me tell you the way to it. Take your car from your hotel and 3 along Fudong Road. Turn left at the third turning, not the 4 one. You will see Wenzhou Library 5 your left. The museum is opposite the library. It 6 from 9:00 to 5:00pm every day, except Monday. There are lots of 7 things and paintings in the museum. I think you can enjoy yourself there. 8 don’t take a camera, you can’t use 9 in the museum. There is a small shop next to it. You can buy some souvenirs in it. And if you have enough 10 , Wenzhou Science and Technology Museum is next to it. It is a good place to have fun, too.

I think you’ll have a good time in Wenzhou!



【1】 A. to visit B. to go C. playing D. visiting

【2】 A. shop B. library C. museum D. bookshop

【3】 A. walk B. drive C. climb D. take

【4】 A. right B. left C. green D. first

【5】 A. on B. in C. to D. by

【6】 A. is open B. open C. is closed D. close

【7】 A. light B. silly C. new D. old

【8】 A. And B. So C. But D. Because

【9】 A. its B. it C. it’s D. them

【10】 A. products B. time C. price D. team


The Plain of Jars(石缸平原) is a great man-made wonder(奇观) in Laos, a country in southeast Asia. It is made up of thousands of stone jars. More than 90 jar sites have been found there. Each site has from 1 to 400 stone jars. The jars come in different sizes from 1 to 3 meters tall. Scientists have long been perplexed by their original(最初的) use.

Not long ago, scientists found ancient things and burial practices at the Plain of Jars.This will be the first major effort since the 1930s to try to understand the purpose of the jars and who created them.Dougald OReilly from the Australian National University said.The jars are empty now, but it is possible that they were once used to hold bodies.

Only a few simple objects, such as a handful of glass beads(玻璃珠), have been found at the burial sites. And scientists think they are from about 500 or 600 BC to 550 AD.

An Australia-Laos research team spent a month collecting data(资料) at the site. OReilly said, Though the stone jars remain a mystery, I hope a better understanding of the Plain of Jars will help have it listed as a World Heritage site(世界遗产保护区).


【1】The Plain of Jars is in ________.

A. Asia B. Europe C. America D. Australia

【2】What do we know about the jars?

A. They are of the same size.

B. They were used for holding water.

C. They are all made of stones.

D. All the sites have the same number of jars.

【3】The underlined word perplexed means ________ in Chinese.

A. 无视 B. 困惑 C. 遗忘 D. 玩弄

【4】What can we learn from the passage?

A. The Plain of Jars is a natural wonder.

B. There are all kinds of things in the jars.

C. The mystery of the Plain of Jars hasnt been solved.

D. The Plain of Jars is a World Heritage site.

【5】Where can we probably find the passage?

A. In a storybook. B. In a movie review.

C. In a dictionary. D. In a geography magazine.

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