
【题目】This simner I'm thinking about what I'm going to do. Maybe I sbould get a job. If I get a job, I'll have ____ momey to buy some new things Maybe I'll buy some new clothes. I'd like to have some new dresses _____ I stars school again

in September. Or I can buy some books, or some music CDs. I eally lowe jazz. I could bay some more CDs ______ my jazz collection Or I can use the money ______ tennis is lessons.

I play tennis ___, but I'd like to learn to play it better. Or maybe I can use the money to pay for the piano lessons. I'd like to learn to pay it.

If I don't get a job this summer. I'll visit my grandparents in San Franciso. They live in a beautiful old house ___ the beach. That will be fun. My grandparents are always very nice to me. They'll let me sleep late.I won't _____get up before 10 o'clock every day. I'll eat delicious food because my grand-motber is an excelleat ___. She always cooks my favorite food. I'll also go to the___with my grandparents. I like swimming in the sea. My grandperents like to go to the museum but I don't enioy the museum so much, so maybe I'll _____ to watch TV.

1A. lees B. many C. a few D. enough

2A. because B. while C. when D. if

3A. for B. to C. at D. as

4A. to take B. to pay for C. to spend D. to buy

5A. very good B. prety well C. better D. best

6A. in B. on C. near D. to

7A. be able to B. have to C. must D. may

8A. coo B. lawyer C. ageat D. teacher

9A. museum B. San Francisco C. shop D. beach

10A. travel aroand the world B. go to college C. stay at home D. lie on the beach













1句意:我将有足够的钱买一些新的东西。A. less更少;B. many许多;C. a few一些;D. enough足够。这里是说足够的钱。根据题意,故选D。

2句意:当我有开始上学的时候,我愿意有一些新的裙子。A. because因为;B. while当……的时候;C. when当……的时候;D. if如果。这里是当……的时候。根据题意,故选C。

3句意:为了我的jazz收藏,我买了一些更多的CDs 。 A. for为了;B. to到……;C. at在……;D. as当……的时候;这里是为了……。根据题意,故选A。

4句意:要不然我能用钱去支付网球。A. to take带去; B. to pay for支付;C. to spend花费; D. to buy买。这里是说支付。根据题意,故选B。

5句意:我打网球很好,但是我愿意学者把它打得更好。A. very good很好;B. prety well相当好;C. better更好;D. best最好;根据题意,故选B。

6句意:他们住在海边附近一个漂亮的老房子里。A. in在……里面;B. on在……上;C. near在……旁边;D. to到……。这里是在……附近。根据题意,故选C。

7句意:每天十点之前,我不能起床。A. be able to能;B. have to必须;C. must必须;D. may可以。Be able to表示能,可以和将来时连用,根据题意,故选A。

8句意:因为的我奶奶是一个优秀的厨师。A. cook厨师;B. lawyer 律师;C. agent代理人;D. teacher老师。这里是说奶奶做饭很好。


9句意:我也和我的爷爷一起去沙滩。A. museum博物馆;B. San Francisco洛杉矶;C. shop商店;D. beach沙滩。这里是说沙滩。根据题意,


10句意:因此可能我会呆在家看电视。A. travel aroand the world全世界旅行;B. go to college去上大学;C. stay at home呆在家;D. lie on the beach躺在沙滩上。这里是说呆在家看电视。根据题意,故选C。


【题目】Have you ever seen the movie Big Her0 6 ? Baymax(太白)is a main character in the movie. He's a friendly big robot that looks after people's health. If there is a robot like Baymax in our real life, people will get more benefits. The robot will be especially helpful in caring for the old. The health of old people needs greater monitoring and care.

Scientists in America are now working to make Baymax a reality (实现). Actually they have already produced some health care robots. These robots provide brain video games to improve people's memory. The games can help the old remember things for longer. Besides, these provide special apps(应用程序) to help the old manage their health at home. The apps can check the old people's heart rate (心率) and tell them to take their medicine on time. The apps can also record their daily activities. Such collected information helps doctors discover the cause of an illness faster and more correctly. But the health care robots aren' t as clever as Baymax yet.

Nowadays, scientists are working on improving the health care robots. They hope the robots can produce electricity by walking across the floor. If they succeed, batteries will not be needed. They also hope the robots communicate with humans in the daily life to make people happier and healthier.

Scientists are trying to realize these dreams. Like Baymax, these health care robots may save people's lives in the future. We are looking forward to them.

1The underlined word "monitoring" in the passage means “________” in Chinese.

A. 监测 B. 娱乐 C. 危害

2According to the passage, Baymax is ________.

A. a friendly small robot that looks after people's health

B. as clever as the health care robots in real life

C. a main character in the movie Big Her0 6

3In the passage, the health care robots that have been produced by scientists ________.

A. can't improve people's memory

B. can communicate with humans in the daily life

C. can help the old manage their health at home

4Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Nowadays the health care robots can produce electricity by walking across the floor.

B. Both the doctors and the old who use the health care robots can get help from them.

C. The health care robots can provide video games to check a person's heart rate.

5What is the passage mainly about?

A. It's mainly about the movie Big Her0 6 .

B. It's mainly about the health care robots.

C. It's mainly about the importance of health.

【题目】There are 24 solar terms(节气) in a year in China, and the Grain Rain(谷雨) is one of them

Chinese people call this solar term the Grain Rain because it is known for “rain” that helps the crops(庄稼) grow. From its name, we can know it means a time of more rain. So if you go out during the Grain Rain, you may need to bring an umbrella with you.

But it is a great time to plant grains. If you miss the time for planting during the Grain Rain, you will feel sorry later. So maybe you can try to plant some flowers or vegetables in your garden. When the spring rain falls, farmers begin to grow crops. Farmers often say, “Spring rain is as precious(珍贵的) as oil.” It brings farmers hope for a good year ahead.

There are also many interesting customs during the Grain Rain. In the northern part of China, people like to eat Chinese toon(红椿) mixed with eggs. The food made during the Grain Rain tastes wonderful and is good for you. In the southern part of China, the tea leaves are picked during the time. They are called Grain Rain tea, which is famous for its freshness and sweet smell.

1How many solar terms are there in a year in China?


2Is it necessary to take an umbrella during the Grain Rain?


3What is Grain Rain tea famous for?


4Why do farmers begin to grow crops when the spring rain falls?


5What's the title of the article?


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